Important Security Phone Numbers

  • MLC Emergency: (507) 359-3344
  • MLC Security Cell: (507) 276-4512
  • New Ulm Police Department: (507) 233-6750 or 911
  • New Ulm Medical Center: (507) 217-5000

MLC Security Information

The college employs student security personnel to patrol the campus and to report suspected criminal activity to the dormitory staff and/or the New Ulm police department. MLC security personnel do not have authority to arrest and have only an advisory relationship with local law enforcement agencies.  Security personnel report to the Vice president for Student Life and his designated representatives.

The New Ulm Police Department patrols the streets and parking lots of our campus on a nightly basis and is willing to respond when security concerns arise.

Please report all crimes and security concerns to campus security personnel in as timely a manner as possible. Don’t hesitate to call law enforcement if you feel doing so is necessary.  In addition, please report crimes, security concerns, and suspicious activity to Dormitory supervisors and the Vice president for Student Life.  Timely reporting can help to prevent and deter criminal or dangerous activity.

Security Do’s and Don’ts

  • Do not prop dormitory doors open.
  • Keep money out of sight in your dorm room. Better yet, open up a bank account locally and keep your money in your bank account. If you need to keep a larger amount of money in the dormitory, please have your dormitory supervisor lock it up for you. Sadly, stealing happens … don’t allow it to happen easily!
  • Keep valuables in a safe area — ask your dormitory supervisor for help.
  • Avoid situations where alcohol or drugs are present.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and use common sense.
  • Stay in areas that are well lit at night. Walk in the company of friends. If you are returning to campus between 10:00 pm – 2:00 am and would like an escort back to your dormitory, you may make arrangements to have campus security personnel meet you at your parking lot.  Please express your concerns and bring your needs to the Vice President for Student Life. In special circumstances you may call security personnel for assistance directly at MLC Security Cell: (507) 276-4512.
  • Don’t hesitate to call a member of the dormitory staff if you feel threatened or if you observe suspicious behavior.
  • Report all security concerns as soon as possible to the Student Life Office.

Threat Assessment and Management

Martin Luther College has established a Threat Assessment and Management Team to assist in addressing situations where students, faculty, or staff are displaying disruptive or threatening behaviors that potentially impede their own or others’ ability to function successfully or safely. The process is designed to help identify persons whose behaviors potentially endanger their own or others’ health and safety.

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff, and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the College. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a troubling person or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear and, if so, this information should be provided to the Vice president for Student Life.

In cases where a person may pose an immediate risk of violence to self or others, the New Ulm Police Department (NUPD) should be contacted at (507) 233-6750.


For the safety of the campus community, any threat, explicit or implied, will be considered a statement of intent. The Threat Assessment and Management Team will recommend actions to the Vice President for Student Life in order to protect the student, employee, and University community. This team has been established to:

  • Respond to incidents of violence, threatening behavior, unwanted pursuit, harassment, and behavior indicating a student, faculty, or staff member poses a risk to self or others; when necessary, initiate contacts with appropriate authorities to place a student/employee in the custody of a mental health facility capable of supporting specific behaviors.
  • Coordinate and assess information from faculty, administrators, students, and local authorities.
  • Investigate the incident(s) and recommend appropriate actions, which may include suspension, expulsion, involuntary leave of absence, filing of criminal charges, or ongoing monitoring for follow-up and observation of behavior patterns; recommendations are made as appropriate to the Vice President for Student Life.
  • Identify resources for troubled students and personnel and make referrals to appropriate campus and off-campus agencies; help secure therapeutic actions that are appropriate, such as treatment or counseling, and that may include internal or external psychological evaluations.
  • Authorize notification, within FERPA guidelines, of parents, guardians and/or next-of-kin.
  • Periodically assess outcomes of actions taken.

Nothing in this policy is intended to abridge any employee’s rights as indicated in Employee Handbook, and any student’s rights under the provisions of the student code of conduct, or their respective rights at law.


Threat-related information should be forwarded to the Threat Assessment and Management Team by calling any of the members listed below. Once a report is received a preliminary investigation will be conducted as expeditiously as possible:

  1. Interviews to determine the existence of corroborating evidence;
  2. Student disciplinary/judicial history;
  3. Relevant employment records under the custody of the human resources director;
  4. Other relevant information as deemed appropriate to assure the safety of the MLC community.

Threat Assessment Team

The Threat Assessment and Management Team consists of MLC personnel with expertise in human resources/employee assistance, law enforcement/threat assessment/tactical applications, campus operations, medical knowledge, social equity, and student affairs. A collaborative process to assess threats will be used, and, depending on the situation, personnel with areas of specialization/responsibility may be called upon to assist the team. Other individuals may also be consulted as needed such as a faculty member who has a concern about a student, a counseling psychologist/therapist to share expertise, and/or a manager who has information concerning an employee.

All information received by or related to the activities of the Threat Assessment and Management Team will be maintained in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life. This information will be treated as confidential among and between members of the Team, will be protected in accordance with FERPA and other applicable laws and administrative rules, and will be released only as required by law or permitted by law under exigent circumstances.

Team Members

  • Prof. Jeffrey Schone, Vice President for Student Life – (507) 217-9764
  • Mrs. Andrea Wendland, Human Resources – (507) 766-4690
  • Ms. Angela Scharf, Women’s Services Director – (507) 276-7468
  • RN Kelsey Horn, MLC Health Services – (507) 233-9101

Annual Security and Fire Report

In compliance with a Federal Government statute, a copy of the Annual Security Report of Martin Luther College is available here:

This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Martin Luther College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault and other matters. The report is also required to include information regarding drugs and alcohol and counseling resources for those with drug or alcohol concerns. The report also includes information regarding educational programming relevant to preventing alcohol and drug abuse and the prevention of sexual assault. This report is updated each October. You can obtain a written copy of this report by contacting the Student Life Office or by printing the report from the aforementioned website.


While supervisors, managers, department chairpersons, deans, and student affairs/residence life staffs are appropriate counsel for general student/employee concerns, they are not experts in responding to threatening or alarming incidents. Therefore, it is everyone’s responsibility (students, employees, and visitors) to report incidents that could possibly result in harm to the campus community to the Threat Assessment Team by calling (507) 354-8221 or in case of an emergency, directly to the New Ulm Police Department at (507) 233-6750.

This policy was modeled on the Threat Assessment Team developed by Millersville University.