In compliance with a Federal Government statute, a copy of the Annual Campus Security Report and Annual Fire Safety Report of Martin Luther College is available here:
- 2022 Annual Security & Fire Report
- 2021 Annual Security & Fire Report
- 2020 Annual Security & Fire Report
This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Martin Luther College, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault and other matters. The report is also required to include information regarding drugs and alcohol and counseling resources for those with drug or alcohol concerns. The report also includes information regarding educational programming relevant to preventing alcohol and drug abuse and the prevention of sexual assault. This report is updated each October. You can obtain a written copy of this report by contacting the Student Life Office or by printing the report from the aforementioned website.
- The college employs student security personnel to patrol the campus and to report suspected criminal activity to the dormitory staff and/or the New Ulm police department. MLC security personnel do not have authority to arrest and have only an advisory relationship with local law enforcement agencies. Security personnel report to the Vice president for Student Life and his designated representatives.
- The New Ulm Police Department patrols the streets and parking lots of our campus on a nightly basis and is willing to respond when security concerns arise. The police department’s phone number is (507) 233-6750 or 911 in an emergency.
- Please report all crimes and security concerns to campus security personnel in as timely a manner as possible. Don’t hesitate to call law enforcement if you feel doing so is necessary. In addition, please report crimes, security concerns, and suspicious activity to Dormitory supervisors and the Vice president for Student Life. Timely reporting can help to prevent and deter criminal or dangerous activity.