Have a student you would like to refer? We will reach out and ask permission to send the student information about MLC so they can consider ministerial training for their future.

Please email student referrals to admissions@mlc-wels.edu


Recruitment. Why is that important? How is it accomplished? What practices are most effective? We sat down with a number of our friends to gather some answers. Watch this video for some recruitment strategies:

How can you help recruit students eager to pursue gospel ministry  at MLC—students who might become your next pastor, teacher, or staff minister?

You probably can identify a couple students right now in your own mind. Tap them on the shoulder! Be the encourager they need:

  •  I really enjoyed the devotion you gave at school. I think you should be a pastor!
  • You’re a magnet for little children! I bet you’d be an excellent preschool teacher.
  • Have I ever told you about my student days at MLC?
  • I’ve noticed the way others follow your lead—would you want to lead a church one day?
  • God has really given you a gift for [music, athletics,
    speaking, etc.]. I can see you using that talent in the church!