A lot happens at Martin Luther College and there are various newsletters and publications sent out to keep everyone informed. You will find those publications listed here along with archives of past issues and newsletters.


  • InFocus
    Published three times a year, the MLC InFocus is a news magazine for all alumni and friends of MLC.
  • KnightWatch
    Published twice a year for high school students.


  • Alumni Messenger
    Keeps our alumni in touch with events, reunions, current MLC happenings, and other alumni news.
  • InFocus Features
    Features articles from the MLC InFocus news magazine
  • KnightWatch Weekly
    Informs high school students weekly about campus life and inspires them to consider pursuing public ministry at MLC.
  • Ladies’ Auxiliary E-Notes
    Provides auxiliary meeting information and updates.
  • MLC Update
    This monthly e-newsletter will bring recaps of campus happenings straight to your inbox!


Seasonal Devotions

  • Advent
    Daily Advent devotions written by MLC faculty, delivered to your inbox December 1-25.
  • Holy Week
    Daily Holy Week devotions written by MLC faculty, delivered to your inbox Psalm Sunday through Easter morning.

Grade School Classroom Materials

  • Project Elijah
    Simple lessons to helptalk with your students about the public ministry . . . and about Martin Luther College.