Audit Forms
Audits do not earn credit. Refer to the Financial Aid section of the catalog for potential implications to federal or state financial aid. Space availability and consent of instructor are considerations for audits. Class attendance is required. Participation in class activities is at the instructor’s discretion.
- Full-time and part-time students in good academic standing may audit courses. The total number of credits and audit hours may not exceed 21. Full-time students who pay full tuition may audit courses without charge. Part-time degree seeking students pay the per credit charge for audits.
- Students on probation need their academic dean’s approval to audit courses.
- An audit may be changed to a course taken for credit during the first two weeks of the semester, provided the total number of credits for the semester does not exceed 18.
- A course taken for credit may be changed to audit during the first two weeks of the semester, provided the total number of credits and audit hours does not exceed 21.
- Procedures for withdrawing from a course taken for audit are identical to those followed when withdrawing from a course taken for credit. Withdrawn audit courses do not appear on a transcript.
Change of Grade Form
This form is used for by professors for errors in grade submission or replacing incompletes with a letter grade from A-F.
Change of Majors and Minors
Students that need to change their program of studies within Education and Staff Ministry must complete the form below and return it to the Academic Deans Office.
Change of Majors and Minors Form
Change of Minor/Emphasis (Pre-seminary)
Pre-seminary students that desire to change a minor/emphasis must complete the form below and return it to the Academic Deans Office.
Note: Students who change their areas of study will have all credits re-evaluated and re-applied to determine applicability to their new areas of study.
Change of Degree Program
Students may apply to change degree programs (Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Arts for pre-seminary students, Bachelor of Science for staff ministry, theological studies, and educational studies). A change of degree programs requires the approval of the dean/director of the student’s current degree area and the approval of the dean/director of the degree area into which the student desires to enroll. Enrollment into the Theological Studies program or the Educational Studies program requires the approval of the student’s advisor, the appropriate dean, and the vice president for academics. Education or staff ministry students who switch to the pre-seminary program should expect at least three more years of study at MLC, unless they complete a Bachelor of Science degree before moving to the pre-seminary program.
Students wanting to change from the Education, Staff Ministry, or Pre-Seminary program to another program must complete the form and return it to the Academic Deans Office
Credit by Examination
Students may request to test out of certain courses during the drop/add period. Requests are submitted to the chair of the division that offers the course. Ideally, the request should be made and the test taken before the semester begins. The deadline for requesting credit by examination is seven calendar days after the first class day of the semester. The division chair, in consultation with the course instructor and the academic dean of the student’s program, shall have authority to grant or deny the student’s request. Tests must be completed within one calendar week after the request is submitted. Each test may be taken only once. A $25 fee is charged for each test. A test grade of C or higher must be earned to receive credit. A student cannot use credit by examination to earn credit for courses that were failed.
The deadline for requesting credit by examination is seven calendar days after the first class day of the semester.
- A student cannot use credit by examination to earn credit for courses that were failed.
- The student should read the paragraph on “Credit by Examination” in the MLC undergraduate catalog before signing this form.
- Complete the information on the form.
- Submit the application to the appropriate division chair. The division chair, in consultation with the course instructor and the academic dean of the student’s program, shall have authority to grant or deny the student’s request.
- Submit the approved application form to the Records Office and pay the $25 fee to the Records Office.
- Make arrangements with the course instructor to take the test. Tests must be completed within one calendar week after the application is submitted to the Records Office.
- A grade of C or higher must be earned to receive credit for the course.
Declaration of Minor
Freshmen with a single Elementary Education major need to complete this form during the second semester. This form must be returned to the Academic Deans Office by the Friday before Spring Break.
Direct Study Application
A directed study is a course taken outside the normal class period. The course is an existing course with an approved syllabus, but which because of exceptional circumstances a student is unable to take as part of a regularly scheduled class. Such exceptional circumstances would include irresolvable schedule conflicts or graduation requirements when a student is close to graduation. Inquiries regarding a directed study are submitted to the student’s advisor and the academic dean.
- The student must register at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester or summer session in which he or she wishes to take the directed study. The application requires the approval of the student’s advisor, the course instructor, academic dean, and the vice-president for academics.
- Only students who are in good standing and who have junior status or higher may apply for a directed study.
- A directed study is considered part of the student’s normal course load.
- The content and requirements for a directed study are similar to those prescribed for the regular class.
- A directed study carries the same course number as the regular offering and is subject to the same academic policies as regular courses.
- The faculty member and the student meet/correspond at least one hour every week to discuss the student’s work.
The application for directed study is available in the Academic Deans’ Office.
Drop/Add Courses
Within the first two weeks of the semester and with the approval of their advisor and the Records Office, students may drop or add courses.
Students considering a course addition, must ensure that any course changes will fit into their schedules. The Records Office will notify a student via e-mail within 24 hours whether the change is approved or not. A schedule without conflicts and course availability will determine Records Office approval.
To check course availability log on to the MLC Portal, click on Scheduling and Course Status. A list of classes will appear. Classes that are closed will be in red and be designated as “full.” All other sections are open. To see courses from semesters other than the current one, place your mouse pointer over current year and semester and a drop down menu will bring up a list of available semesters for you to look at.
Enrollment Verification Letter Request
Students who need verification of enrollment or academic good standing for insurance, scholarships, employment, etc., must complete the request form and return it to the Records Office
Permission is required for undergraduate students to take graduate level (5000) or continuing education (8000-9000) courses . Please consult with your advisor and the appropriate academic dean when considering this option.
Graduation Application
Application forms are due in the Records Office by February 14 of the year preceding the student’s graduation, typically junior year. This information is needed to conduct the student’s graduation degree audit and to ensure that the student has the appropriate number of credits to graduate. Students are also responsible for notifying the Records Office if their anticipated graduation date changes. Failure to apply for graduation may delay the student’s graduation date.
MAY 2025 & SUMMER 2025 GRADS-please follow the link below & complete the form:
May/Summer 2025 Application for Graduation
DECEMBER 2025, MAY 2026, & SUMMER 2026 GRADS: please follow the link below & complete the form
Dec 2025 & May/Summer 2026 Application for Graduation
Please submit your graduation application by February 14, 2025.
Independent Study
An independent study is a course of study outside of the regular curriculum. The course content, objectives, credits, and assignments are developed by the student and the instructor and must be approved by the dean and the vice president for academics.
Independent studies at Martin Luther College are intended to offer a student the option of taking a college course which is not currently offered as part of the MLC catalog. This course is taken one-on-one with an instructor meeting at mutually agreeable times to fulfill the requirements of the course.
The student is reminded that not all courses fit the independent studies mode, not all professors are available to do an independent study, and that this is a last resort to be used only when all other options have been exhausted.
All applications for a course by independent study must be initiated with and approved by the academic dean.
Leave of Absence
Current students in good academic and citizenship standing may request a leave of absence to pursue various experiences. These students are automatically enrolled when they return and do not need to reapply for admission. The maximum length of a leave of absence is one year. While leave of absence means the student upon return is automatically enrolled at MLC, the leave of absence does not apply to financial aid policies and regulations.
An application for a leave of absence is available from the appropriate academic dean.
Outside Coursework Approval
A student enrolled at Martin Luther College may take courses at other accredited institutions for transfer credit. Students should receive prior approval from their academic dean for courses they wish to take elsewhere to ensure that the course(s) will transfer. Enrollment concurrent with MLC’s fall or spring semester at another institution is generally not permitted. When a valid programmatic need arises, a student may appeal to the Vice President for Academics. Only courses with a C grade or better are accepted in transfer.
To request transfer credit when you wish to pursue course work at another college or university, you must complete the form and return it to the Records Office. You will need to provide each course number(s) and title(s), along with total credits given for each semester hour of the course(s) you wish to take. You will then need to list the course(s) at MLC that you feel would possibly compare to the course(s) you wish to pursue.
Remember to check with your advisor and the appropriate academic dean as to how this impacts the completion of your program plan here at MLC. The final thirty semester hours of credit must be earned in residence at Martin Luther College.
Repetition of Courses
Some courses are open for students to repeat if they choose. Certain majors require courses to be repeated for the purpose of continued growth in an area (e.g. music lessons). The course description indicates if it is a repeatable course. Each time the course is taken a grade is received and is included in the grade point average calculation.
Other courses, those not designated as repeatable, are only available to be retaken
- to receive credit for a failed course that is required for graduation. This can be earned either by repeating the course at MLC or by successfully completing an approved substitute from MLC.
- if a student desires to better his/her grade point average. Only the grade earned in repetition will be figured in the student’s grade point average, but the original grade will remain on the record.
Courses taken to remove a failure or repeated to better the grade point average are taken only through Martin Luther College.
The application form to retake a repeatable course to replace an original grade is available from the academic dean.
After acceptance into Semester Abroad:
- Students will work with their advisor and the International Services Office to achieve the goal of an on-time graduation. Any student who chooses to extend time on the MLC campus in order to participate in Semester Abroad will be asked to sign a declaration to that effect.
- Students will register as fulltime MLC students through the normal, online registration process, choosing courses they would take if they were not spending the semester abroad. Once approved for their abroad experience, their schedule will be amended to “SAB4999 Semester Abroad”.
- Students must receive, from their Academic Dean, approval for each course they plan to take in their Semester Abroad experience.
- Students will be required to apply to an MLC partner provider. The provider’s decision to admit or not admit a student is final.
- Credits earned in courses taken through Semester Abroad will appear on transcripts, and will count toward graduation when appropriate, but grades will not be used in calculating a student’s GPA.
- Credits will be accepted only for courses for which students earn a grade of “C” or higher. If the host school does not use a letter grade system (A-F), the academic dean will determine letter grade equivalents.
- To receive credits through Semester Abroad, students must be approved for an MLC and partner provider semester abroad program.
- Semester Abroad itself may be eligible for 3 credits in some programs to satisfy the General Education intercultural elective; detailed information is available in the International Services Office.
- Credits are recorded only after a transcript is received from the host school.
- Students will be expected to become familiar with and follow the normal academic policies of the host school.
- Credits from approved Semester Abroad experiences will fulfill the current policy that the final thirty semester hours of credit must be earned at Martin Luther College
- Courses that do not apply to a student’s major or approved courses that do not receive transfer credit due to a grade lower than “C” may result in a reduction in financial aid. Loss of financial aid may result in money owed to either MLC or the host institution. Contact the Director of Financial Aid for help determining how a reduction in transfer credits may affect your financial aid.
- If the semester abroad is during the MLC school year, maximum credit policies apply.
Student Appeal / Grievance Form
A student dismissed from school must use this form to appeal the decision. See the Student Appeal of Dismissal Decisions Process for complete information.
A student that desires to appeal another type of academic decision may, but is not required, to use this form after following the complaint process as outlined in the Student Complaints and Grievances policy.
Student Consumer Complaint Process
Students who have concerns or complaints are encouraged to follow the procedures outlined in the Academic Policies page under Student Appeals. Unresolved complaints may be brought to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education / 1450 Energy Park Drive, Suite 350 / St. Paul, M 55108 / / 651-642-0533.
Continuing your education? Is your employer looking for academic verification? Request a transcript of your academic record at MLC! Complete either the Electronic or Paper transcript request form following the link below to request a transcript be sent to an academic institution, place of employment, or wherever an academic transcript is needed.
Please contact the Registrar with any questions.
Withdrawal from the College
- The student who needs to withdraw from college first reports to the academic dean for instructions on procedures. Policies regarding withdrawal from courses apply to withdrawal from college.
- A student who withdraws from college after the first two weeks of the semester has W recorded for courses. See policy on Withdrawals from Courses.
- When a student does not follow official procedures in voluntarily withdrawing from the college, a note recording the unauthorized withdrawal is transcribed on the student’s permanent record.
- Students who withdraw from college and later apply for readmission must fulfill the graduation requirements that are in place at the time of readmission.
- Procedures for withdrawal under special circumstances (e.g. medical issues) will be outlined on a case-by-case basis. Official documentation must be provided to validate the reason for withdrawal.
The withdrawal form is available from the academic dean.
Withdrawal from Courses (Late Course Withdrawal – After Drop/Add Period)
- Within the first two weeks of the semester and with the approval of their advisor and the Records Office, students may drop or add courses using the Drop/Add Form.
- With the approval of the dean, students may withdraw from a semester course after the first two weeks and up to the tenth class day after midterm. Also with approval, students may withdraw from a quarter course up to half way through the course. The dean will consult with the student’s advisor and instructor before making a decision. For these courses the student’s record shows W and is not counted in computing the grade point average. The Late Course Withdrawal Form is available in the Academic Deans Office.
- Any course withdrawal after the two weeks following midterm is an unauthorized withdrawal. An unauthorized withdrawal from a course is recorded as an F. This F is counted in the grade point average.
- Withdrawals from courses for medical reasons are processed on an individual basis by contacting the academic dean. Documentation from a physician is needed to validate the medical reason for withdrawal.
- Potential implications of withdrawing from a course are (1) the student’s program may need to be extended, (2) financial aid may be affected, (3) family insurance rates may be affected, and (4) the student, if still a dependent, may have a tax issue.