Entries by Valerie Fischer

Prepared for the Office

It took three calls and two master’s degrees before he felt ready to step into the role of principal. Phil Gustafson BS ’09, MS ’16, MS ’19 was assigned to St. Mark in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, when he graduated from MLC in 2009. In his 11 years of ministry there, he served as assistant principal […]

Dr. Jason Lowrey: Running the Race of Faith

Dr. Jason Lowrey is excited to join the MLC graduate faculty, working with Lutheran teachers who, together with their students, are running the race of faith. He’s teaching EDU5001 Issues in Education, a course where students explore topics with far-reaching effects on student learning: professional learning communities, mental health needs, standards-based education, vouchers and school […]

Dr. Dan Johnson

Dr. Daniel Johnson DMLC ’88 serves two colleges. He is completing his 12th year as president at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, and he serves on the graduate faculty of his alma mater, Martin Luther College. Dan grew up in Arizona, where, as the youngest of six kids, he attended WELS elementary schools and graduated […]

Eric Wolf: Because the Word Works!

Eric Wolf ’13 knows the Word of God works, and he’s committed to leading, pulling, and pushing the middle schoolers he teaches deeper into that Word. So he recently decided he wants to go deeper into Scripture himself—through MLC’s Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS).

Dr. Alanna Lienig

Filling a Special Ed Need in WELS Schools We’re pleased to introduce Dr. Alanna Lienig ’05. She’s teaching two courses in the special education emphasis of our MS-Ed program: Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities and The IEP Process and Professional Practice, a course she developed herself. Dr. Lienig is filling an important need—for MLC and […]