Kortney Behnke Is First Graduate in Accelerated MS-Special Education

“The Most Rewarding Job” Kortney Behnke knows exactly why she pursued special education as her major—and her vocation. Back in elementary school, she watched as a family in her church had to make difficult educational choices. “They had multiple children with various special needs,” she says. “Some of the kids attended our WELS school, but […]

Guided Studies from the Ground Up

When Kirsten Gullerud’s principal at St. Paul in Appleton, Wisconsin, asked her to help him create a Guided Studies program, she was a little hesitant. She was working as an aide in the first-grade classroom at the time, and she really didn’t know much about special education. But she did have a broad teaching background. […]

Ben Carlovsky Finds Deep Content to Match Deep Passion

Ben Carlovsky MLC ’03 was originally enrolled in MLC’s Master of Science in Educational Administration program. As an elementary school principal at Abiding Word-Houston, that made sense. But when he accepted a call to teach religion at Wisconsin Lutheran High School, he switched programs midstream. Now he’s a 2023 graduate of our Master of Arts […]

The Best Time for a Master’s Degree—Now!

Dana Raasch Explains Why When Dana (Pietrzyk) Raasch graduated from Martin Luther College with her bachelor’s degree in 2021, it didn’t take her long to realize that the best time to pursue a master’s degree was immediately. So after just one year in front of the classroom, she became a student again—in MLC’s graduate program. […]

The Joy of Classroom Management

Dr. Benjamin Clemons has a lot of personal experience with the subject of the graduate course he’s teaching: Classroom Management. Some of that experience occurred during his years as a teacher who gradually, by trial and error, learned how to manage his classroom. And some occurred as a student who, he admits, needed a little […]

The Story of a Special Services Director—with a Few Twists

When Holly (Pearson) Dannecker MLC ’09 earned her MS-Education from MLC this spring, it was the culmination of an interesting story—a story with a few surprising twists. The first twist took place before Dannecker even began grad school. Although she started her ministry as an elementary teacher, she is now a full-time special education teacher. […]

Teaching Teachers How to Teach Teachers

Curiosity, a love for learning, and a proven talent for teaching—what more could we want in a graduate professor at Martin Luther College? Dr. Lyn DeLorme, a technology professor in MLC’s Graduate Studies Program, lays claim to all of these—and harnesses them in the course she teaches for us, Leading Technology Professional Development. Yes, it’s […]

Jarred Beduze: Principal in the Making

Strong Lutheran schools need strong principals. Leaders who set the bar high for student achievement. Who create a Christ-centered culture. Who cast longterm visions for the future of their school and simultaneously handle the day-to-day details. Who supervise instruction, create a budget, and implement a marketing plan—all while maintaining meaningful relationships with faculty, parents, and […]

Enhancing Ministry with Technology

A few weeks ago, a pastor approached MLC’s new adjunct instructor, Martin Spriggs, to thank him. The pastor had taken Spriggs’s technology class at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Summer Quarter and learned there how to use a personal productivity system. That class was 10 years ago, but the system had so greatly improved his control over […]