Kortney Behnke Is First Graduate in Accelerated MS-Special Education

“The Most Rewarding Job” Kortney Behnke knows exactly why she pursued special education as her major—and her vocation. Back in elementary school, she watched as a family in her church had to make difficult educational choices. “They had multiple children with various special needs,” she says. “Some of the kids attended our WELS school, but […]

Master’s Graduates Make Excellent Mentors

MLC master’s graduates are leaders in WELS schools. They are equipped to lead others through the complexities of teaching and classroom management, as well as home/school relationships. As a graduate, one way you can show leadership is by mentoring new teachers.

21st-Century Principal Cohorts

Martin Luther College is working with the Commission on Lutheran Schools (CLS) and the Conference of Presidents (COP) to train cohorts of veteran teachers to serve as principals. This effort is new in two ways. First, cohort participants will be fully trained before becoming a principal. Second, cohort completers will be called to schools that […]

Graduate Studies Welcomes Two New Professors

Graduate studies will be adding two new courses spring semester, EDU5110 High-Impact Instruction taught by Dr. Kristina Rouech and EDU5322 Development of Young Children taught by Dr. Julie Sallquist.

Sponsor an MLC Satellite Course

Alumni Updates

What’s up? The MLC graduate studies program is interested in knowing how God is blessing your life and ministry. Please send stories and photos. Your stories and ministry updates are interesting to other master’s alumni and provide encouragement to undergraduates and potential students. Your stories of ministry struggles or successes reinforce to others that master’s […]