Online Tool Makes Tracking Program Progress Easy

MLC graduate students and their advisors can quickly check their progress, noting which courses are still left in their program plan.

Duane Vance: Public University Grad Thankful for MLC Master’s Program

Duane Vance can’t say enough good things about the Martin Luther College master’s program. “I never imagined what kind of impact the graduate studies program would have on our ministry here,” he says.

Master’s Program Receives Awards

The MLC Master of Science in Education degree is 11 years old. It has earned a reputation as a high-quality, affordable graduate degree among its students and WELS teachers. Others are starting to take notice. Recently, MLC’s graduate program earned the following awards. Top Online Master’s in Education Martin Luther College is ranked 18th in […]

New Graduate Degree Approved!

In September, the Higher Learning Commission approved MLC’s request to offer a new degree – the Master of Science in Educational Administration. This program is targeted specifically for the roles of the Lutheran principal and early childhood director. It is appropriate for those who currently serve, or who wish to serve, in those roles. Why […]