Apply for Graduation by April 1

Those planning to graduate on May 14 must submit their application for graduation by April 1, regardless of whether they plan to participate in the ceremony.

Dr. Ryan MacPherson

Building Bridges of Understanding Written by Laurie Gauger-Hested Building bridges seems to be a theme in the life and ministry of Dr. Ryan MacPherson, a new member of MLC’s graduate faculty. Dr. MacPherson is teaching two courses in our new Master of Arts in Theological Studies program: Creation Apologetics and Bioethics. Both courses have an […]

MLC Online Master’s Program Named Best Value in the Country

MLC’s Master of Science in Education online degree has been named the #1 Best Value in the country by This website provides reviews and rankings to help prospective students narrow down the field when it comes to selecting which program to pursue. “Each school we’ve listed,” says the website, “offers a strong return on […]

Nicole Lehman

Even as an upper-level math instructor, Nicole Lehman ’10 sees the need to increase and improve her teaching techniques for students with learning difficulties. That’s what led her to the special education emphasis in MLC’s Master of Science in Education program.

Graduate Students Are Major Blog Contributors

MLC graduate students regularly contribute articles for Issues in Lutheran Education. This blog shares scholarly writings by Lutheran leaders to stimulate informed discussion about Lutheran schools. Almost 1,800 people subscribe through email, Facebook, and Twitter. The most-viewed article of 2022 was Roles of Men and Women: Separating “Can” From “Should” (and Why It Matters) by Dr. […]

Award-Winning Professor Dr. Cindy Whaley to Teach EDU5106

Graduate students enrolled in Assessment of Learning and Instruction for second semester will study under the course’s new professor, Dr. Cindy Whaley. Those who have taken Dr. Whaley’s courses, at either the undergrad or graduate level, are familiar with her enthusiasm for teaching and her dedication to literacy. “I love everything about teaching,” she says. […]