A Special Path Toward Special Education

“It’s amazing how God will use things in your life early on to prepare you for where he wants you to go.” Dr. Mark Murphy DMLC ’92, a new member of our graduate faculty, is circumspect about how he landed where he is today—serving God as a special education professor. During high school and college, […]

The Joy of Classroom Management

Dr. Benjamin Clemons has a lot of personal experience with the subject of the graduate course he’s teaching: Classroom Management. Some of that experience occurred during his years as a teacher who gradually, by trial and error, learned how to manage his classroom. And some occurred as a student who, he admits, needed a little […]

Teaching Teachers How to Teach Teachers

Curiosity, a love for learning, and a proven talent for teaching—what more could we want in a graduate professor at Martin Luther College? Dr. Lyn DeLorme, a technology professor in MLC’s Graduate Studies Program, lays claim to all of these—and harnesses them in the course she teaches for us, Leading Technology Professional Development. Yes, it’s […]

Enhancing Ministry with Technology

A few weeks ago, a pastor approached MLC’s new adjunct instructor, Martin Spriggs, to thank him. The pastor had taken Spriggs’s technology class at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Summer Quarter and learned there how to use a personal productivity system. That class was 10 years ago, but the system had so greatly improved his control over […]

Interpreting the Word—

Professor Paul Wendland calls it “the most bizarre night” he’s ever had. He was a parish pastor, and someone called him and asked, “Are you a Lutheran pastor? Why don’t you come down here and talk to this guy? He’s a Lutheran, and he just committed suicide.” When Pastor Wendland got there, he saw the […]

“That More People See Jesus”

Introducing Dr. Todd Russ Dr. Todd Russ, an adjunct instructor in MLC’s graduate program, is eager to share his passion for Christian leadership—and his single-minded focus on the ultimate goal of that leadership: that more people see Jesus. Dr. Russ is teaching Leading the School Community, a required course in the MS Educational Administration program […]

Meet Professor Rachel Feld: Tech Guru and Self-Professed Geek

“My favorite thing about teaching technology to teachers is telling them that they don’t have to use technology for every last thing. Good teaching is still good teaching.” Coming from a teacher of educational technology and a self-professed tech geek, that statement might be a little surprising, but it demonstrates the pragmatic wisdom of Professor […]

Meet Rev. Dr. Michael Smith

In the spring 2021 semester, Dr. Michael Smith will be teaching MLC graduate students from his office in Hong Kong, where he serves as academic dean and professor of Greek and New Testament at Asia Lutheran Seminary (ALS). Over the course of his life, Dr. Smith has belonged to four Lutheran denominations: LCA, LCMS, ELS, […]

Dr. Jason Lowrey: Running the Race of Faith

Dr. Jason Lowrey is excited to join the MLC graduate faculty, working with Lutheran teachers who, together with their students, are running the race of faith. He’s teaching EDU5001 Issues in Education, a course where students explore topics with far-reaching effects on student learning: professional learning communities, mental health needs, standards-based education, vouchers and school […]

Dr. Dan Johnson

Dr. Daniel Johnson DMLC ’88 serves two colleges. He is completing his 12th year as president at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, and he serves on the graduate faculty of his alma mater, Martin Luther College. Dan grew up in Arizona, where, as the youngest of six kids, he attended WELS elementary schools and graduated […]