What's Your Story
What was life like on the hill during your time? Do you recall any particularly enjoyable activity, humorous anecdote, or fond memory you're willing to share?

Examples: Dining at DMLC…The Piano Practice Police…My Favorite Professor…Halloween Blizzard of ’91…Moving the Library…May/June Night Memories…A Student Union in the Music Hall?...What Chapel Meant to Me…My Life in Summit Hall…Christmas on the Hill…Male Cheerleaders – A Tradition Unlike Any Other…9/11 at MLC…Finding that Forever Friend

Please include the years only, or at most months and years
You can write your written remembrance here or attach a document below.

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You can attach your written remembrance as a file or attach an image for MLC to use on the web.
Please Check Everything Over

Please check over everything you have submitted above. The contact information is how we will be able to contact you in case we have any questions.
