Reunion Campus Activity Request Form

Please fill out the following form to request a campus tour, city tour, or presentation for your group. Please note that reunion groups must arrange for transportation for tours (individual cars or bus rental). MLC provides tour guides.

"*" indicates required fields



Our reunion group would like a New Ulm city tour.
City tours may require bus/vehicle rental for your group and a guide fee. Your reunion group can work with the guide to plan your itinerary.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
City tour stops
Places you want to get off the bus. Fees listed only if applicable.


Our reunion group would like an MLC campus tour.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Important campus tour stops
Please check those your group wishes to go INTO.


Our reunion group would like an MLC presentation.
Please see the MLC Speakers Bureau website for a list of topics and presenters.
Want a specific topic or presenter not listed in the Speakers Bureau? Please list your class's choice for topic/presenter below.
MM slash DD slash YYYY