Dear Alumni,
Change is all around us. The leaves change into a wide array of colors. Thermometers dip to lower temperatures in the northernMLC Fall tree on the mall hemisphere. Children grow up. Family and friends move away to different places. Political leaders change. Ministerial opportunities and mission fields change. Changes surround our daily lives.

At times, change feels uncomfortable. This is entirely normal, because humans are creatures of habit. We strive to keep our schedules in order. We want things to be the same. The familiar feels safe. Stress often accompanies anything out of the ordinary.

However, we know that changes are inevitable. Our lives on this side of heaven are constantly pulled in different directions. We get easily distracted. We think, “Can’t we at least have something in our lives be the same?” Change is never easy, but it is necessary and even good as we move through the different chapters of our lives.

The MLC Alumni Association (MLCAA) will be changing too. Since its inception, the MLCAA has been an independent nonprofit organization, encouraging alumni to support Martin Luther College. At the October meeting, the MLCAA Board deliberated how it could best fulfill its mission. After much discussion and prayer, the Board decided that change was needed.

As an independent organization, MLCAA incurs thousands of dollars in insurance expenses, year-end tax filing, bookkeeping fees, etc. Processing MLCAA gifts separately created extra work for MLC. After considering the current structure’s pros and cons, the Board decided to dissolve MLCAA as an independent organization.

This does not mean the end of MLCAA! The Board created an Alumni Fund at MLC. Alumni who gave to the MLCAA may continue giving to the Alumni Fund at MLC. The Board will direct how MLC uses the money in this fund. Under the new structure, we can continue to ensure that 100% of your donations go to the Alumni scholarship and projects selected by the Board.

What does that mean for our Alumni?
The MLC Alumni Association is here for you! As we transition into a new phase, we remain committed to partnering with you, providing information about MLC and its needs, and stewarding the gifts you give. We will continue serving God’s people and his kingdom.

Change is all around, but we can hold to the truth that the apostle James shares with us: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17). Everything we have that comes from our heavenly Father is good.

We can be sure that no matter what changes may come in our personal lives, God promises to always be with us and to never change. May our Lord continue to richly bless you and guide you through life’s many changes.

Serving God’s Children,Jeremiah Drews
Jeremiah Drews
MLCAA President-Elect