2018-2019 Martin Luther College Governing Board

Back: Timothy Petermann, Steven Rosenbaum DMLC ’86 (secretary), Andrew Van Weele ’04, Michael Krueger, Michael Woldt WLS ’81 (chair), Paul Prange WLS ’88 (Ministerial Education administrator), Mark Zarling WLS ’80 (MLC president), Randy Matter, Joe Archer DMLC ’78. Front: Geoffrey Kieta WLS ’93, Mark Wessel WLS ’86, Daniel Leyrer WLS ’89, Michael Seifert WLS ’03 (vice chair), David Uhlhorn ’99, Michael Valleau, Dale Krause, Michael Lindemann WLS ’91, Dennis Klatt WLS ’88 (Minnesota District president).
The MLC Governing Board met September 27-28, 2018, on campus. They participated in Bible study, heard reports, discussed multiple topics, and acted on the following issues:
Calls: Approved the calling of one teacher candidate to serve as physical education professor and coach.
Costs: Approved undergraduate tuition, room & board increases of 3% for 2019-20. Concurrently approved a 5% increase in institutional financial aid. Per-credit cost for continuing education and graduate students will remain unchanged.
Athletic Facilities: Granted permission to MLC Administrative Council to continue a feasibility study of a partnership with New Ulm Department of Recreation for the building of a multipurpose permanent structure at the MLC Athletic Complex.
Facility Preservation: Approved the setting aside of monies for asset preservation, specifically related to Centennial Hall and Old Main, in surplus of unrestricted funds. Also approved a request to the Synodical Council for a grant from the Financial Stabilization Fund for the remaining costs of MLC’s unfunded Centennial Hall projects in FY20.
Asset Policy: Approved the revised Unrestricted Net Asset Policy dated September 28, 2018, which includes provisions for ownership of movable equipment and library books and increases the Economic Stabilization Fund minimum to 10% of the current operating budget.
Scott Schmudlach DMLC ’85
Vice President for Administration
This feature was originally published in the MLC InFocus, Fall 2018 issue.