Andy Raasch

Knights in Action

Putting our foundational beliefs into action Knights in Action seeks to recognize current, on-campus MLC students who exemplify the foundational beliefs of our strategic plan, and celebrate the student’s initiatives and accomplishments as they are carried out under the grace of Christ. Those foundational beliefs are stated in Pursuing Excellence Under the Cross as:

2024 Cross Country Fun/Run Walk

Our Prayers Are with the Family of Gary Dallmann

On April 8, 2024, Professor Emeritus Gary L. Dallmann finished his earthly race and received his crown of righteousness. Gary used his God-given athletic skills throughout his life of service. He started his public ministry in 1964 at Dr. Martin Luther College, where he enriched the lives of countless students and athletes. 

Our Prayers Are with the Czer Family

In the early morning hours of June 26, 2023, our dear friend and colleague Larry Czer received his crown of life. Larry was surrounded by his family as he passed, their grief matched by deep confidence and joy. As his wife, Ramona, said, “Heaven is Larry’s home, and his Savior’s waiting for him.” Larry dedicated […]

A Practice Lost, a Practice Restored

 “Instill in the hearts of our children
a desire to follow you
as they prepare for future days.

Help them distinguish
between what is passing and what is eternal,
between instant thrills and lasting joy. 

Encourage more young people
to prepare for service
in the public ministry of the gospel.” 

(Excerpt from the “Prayer of the Church,”
The Service, Setting Three, Christian Worship 2021, p. 198)

As these words are prayed again and again in our churches across the country, you are seeing the restoration of a corporate worship practice that has been too often missing among us for 30 years. Read more

Spring Choir Tour 2023

During spring break, the MLC College Choir shared the gospel in song under the theme “Christ Is All in All.” While winter weather delayed the choir’s departure and caused the cancellation of the Washington and Oregon concerts, the choir was able to present their concerts in California.
Chilly temperatures greeted the group in California, but they met with a warm reception from their hosts and new friends. As a fresh start to the tour, the choir joined the congregation of St. Mark-Citrus Heights CA for worship on Sunday, February 26.
The tour isn’t all hard work! Members took breaks between concerts to sight-see and enjoy fellowship with one another. And they took plenty of fun pictures to prove it! Check out the MLC Facebook page to see photos of the fun.
Pictured: The College Choir sings during St. Mark’s morning worship.

Bingo Night!

Snow, ice, and frigid temperatures can’t keep students away from one of their favorite events: Bingo Night!
While the MLC Ladies’ Auxiliary sponsors many projects in support of our students, Bingo Night is special. The Ladies’ Auxiliary hosts this event as an annual encouragement to students, letting them see that support firsthand.
This year, 77 different giving units, including many churches and organizations, were so generous! Students won quilts, baked goods, and almost $5,000 in donated gift cards and cash. Most importantly, they felt valued and encouraged by you, MLC’s supporters. To find out how you can help with Auxiliary projects, visit their website.
Pictured: Students gather in the MLC auditorium for an exciting Bingo Night 2023.

New Face on Campus: Rachel Youngblom

Dr. Rachel Youngblom (special education) is originally from New Ulm, and in 2022, she left the Phoenix sunshine to return to her hometown. She serves MLC as a professor of special education in both the undergraduate and graduate programs.
After attending Minnesota Valley LHS, Dr. Youngblom pursued post-secondary education at Minnesota State University Mankato, obtaining a BS in psychology, an MS in special education, and a PsyD in school psychology.
She then practiced as a licensed psychologist, a certified school psychologist, a paraprofessional, and a braille transcriptionist. Dr. Youngblom is a blessing to MLC’s special education program because she brings expertise on how WELS ministries can serve children with disabilities and their families.
“I have had the opportunity to evaluate, assess, diagnose, and support children with a wide range of disabilities and disorders,” says Dr. Youngblom. “In addition to working with children, I have been blessed to collaborate with various other professionals and providers who support students with disabilities, and learn from them.”
Now she’s sharing her knowledge with her students at MLC. Foundations of Special Education, Developmental Disabilities, and Learning Disabilities and Emotional Behavioral Disorders are just a few of the courses in which Dr. Youngblom has the opportunity to work with future teachers on supporting students with various disabilities.
“I am excited for our graduates from the special education program to be prepared to serve students with disabilities in our WELS schools,” says Dr. Youngblom. “Knowing that we can extend the reach of God’s Word by including exceptional students in our schools and providing them with specialized instruction is such an amazing opportunity and blessing.”

MLC Forum: Radium Girls

On February 17-19, MLC Forum presented Radium Girls, the story of the women who painted luminous watch dials and had to fight for justice after suffering radiation poisoning.
Inspired by a true story, Radium Girls traces the efforts of Grace Fryer, a dial painter, as she fights for her day in court. Her chief adversary is her former employer, Arthur Roeder.
Under the direction of Josiah Winkel (Redemption-Milwaukee), cast members were able to explore who these complex human characters truly were and how best to portray them.
The cast’s performances met with glowing reviews from audience members, who noted the outstanding acting, organization, and artistry involved in the production.
Pictured: Joshua Aden (St. John/St. James-Reedsville WI) portrays Arthur Roeder, owner of the US Radium Corporation.

Early Field Experience

If you come to MLC during the first week of spring break, you’ll notice that many students and faculty are still on campus, and they’re excited about it. They’re doing what they love: teaching!

Early Field Experience (EFE) is required of all education and staff ministry students, and for the first-years, it’s held on campus during the first week of spring break. Students learn about reflection journals, lesson planning, classroom management, and much more. The education professors mentor students as they prepare their first lessons.
These teachers-in-training start with some simple lessons for their peers, practicing planning and instruction techniques. Then the real fun begins: preparing to teach elementary and middle school students! Each MLC student teaches their lesson to multiple small groups.
While nerves are high, morale is high too. EFE gives students their first taste of the teaching ministry and encourages them to grow as they look forward to the future.
Pictured: Anna Plocher (King of Kings-Garden Grove CA) leads a lesson for her peers.