Professor James Danell WLS ’90 (German) presented “Luther’s Jewish Writings” at the St. Croix Pastors’ Conference in September. He preached and then presented “From Luther to the Formula of Concord” at the Mission Festival of Zion-Morton MN in September. And he presented “Luther and the Reformation” at St. John-Vesta MN in October.

Professor Paul Koelpin WLS ’90 (history/theology) presented “The Blessings and Challenges of ‘Teaching Lutheran’ in the 21st Century” at the Lutheran College Conference at MLC in August. The faculties of Bethany Lutheran College, Wisconsin Lutheran College, and Martin Luther College participated at this conference. He also presented the keynote “Take Every Thought Captive – Make It Obedient to Christ: On Being a Lutheran at Reformation 500” at the Southeast Wisconsin District Convention at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in June and Reformation-related topics at the Michigan and Minnesota District Teachers’ Conferences in October.

Professor Thomas Nass was co-chair of the CELC committee that produced the “Ninety-Five Theses for the 21st Century.”

Professor David Scharf WLS ’05 (theology) presented on Luther’s “Babylonian Captivity of the Church” for Bay Area Lutheran Ministries in Bay City MI.

Dr. Keith Wessel WLS ’91 (Latin, Greek, theology) was the keynote speaker at the Arizona-California District Conference in San Diego in November. His three one-hour presentations centered on the Reformation and the continuing importance of Lutheran parish and elementary education.

President Mark Zarling WLS ’80 wrote the essay “In Trembling Hands! With What Spirit Shall We Celebrate the Reformation?” for Reformation 500: The Enduring Relevance of the Lutheran Reformation (Northwestern Publishing House, 2017). He also presented “Luther and the Saints” at the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Symposium in October.