You can’t place a value on memories. Therefore, yearbooks are of inestimable value as their essential function is to provide and preserve memories. Yearbooks tell a story in pictures. We hope you enjoy the stories you’ll find as you stroll down memory lane in the digital yearbooks shared below.
Clicking on a cover image will take you to another website. Once there, follow the instructions that say Click to Read and click the arrows to page forward or backward.
We recognize that preserving and presenting the history of MLC is important and regret the loss of the yearbooks after 2006. We encourage those looking to learn about the events, people, and progress of MLC since that time to visit the digital InFocus magazine archive and the Smugmug photo galleries.
Dr. Martin Luther College (1950 – 1995)
Martin Luther Academy (1967-1979)
Northwestern College (1970 – 1992)
Martin Luther College (1996 – 2006)