Andersen, Jacob
Cedar Rapids, IA
Anderson, Cody
Bloomer, WI
Arrowsmith, Evan
Bay City, MI
Backhaus, Christa
Tomah, WI
Bergmann, Alec
Slinger, WI
Bergmann, Kendra
Slinger, WI
Boeder, Carl
New Ulm, MN
Bohlmann, Joshua
Crete, IL
Bosin, Abigail
Greenville, WI
Brander, Annalies
Picture Butte, Alberta, Canada
Brown, Dakota
Prior Lake, MN
Buch, Garrett
Manitowoc, WI
Busch, Joshua
Rapid City, SD
Carter, Andrew
Round Rock, TX
Chojnacki, William
Riverside, CA
Clement-Channel, Tassia
Corinthe Estate, Gros Islet, St Lucia
Cook, Hannah
West Salem, WI
Couture, Sarah
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cox, Barton
Oconomowoc, WI
Crass, Simeon
Ortonville, MI
Doble, Ethan
Ortonville, MN
Doell, Kelli
Appleton, WI
Dorn, Eric
Crete, Il
Dorn, Luke
Lewiston, MN
Draper, Stanley
New Ulm, MN
Draper, Stephanie
Menomonee Falls, WI
Duff, Elizabeth
Saint Paul, MN
Eastin, Taylor
Westland, MI
Enter, Alexander
Stillwater, MN
Fleischmann, Jonathan
Kaukauna, WI
Fury, Megan
Houston, TX
Gast, Rebecca
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Grev, Kira
Oakdale, MN
Grzonka, Joseph
Monee, IL
Hableswitz, Nathan
West Allis, WI
Hagen, Grant
Appleton, WI
Hall, Danielle
Oshkosh, WI
Hanan, Justine
Adrian, MI
Hardenburger, Maria
Waucousta, WI
Haugly, Rachel
Fond du Lac, WI
Heiden, Jeni
Mequon, WI
Heiling, Tessa
Redwood Falls, MN
Helwig, Madeline
Mequon, WI
Helwig, Samuel
Richfield, WI
Henning, John
Puyallup, WA
Hensler, Nathan
Freeland, MI
Henzi, Katie
Brillion, WI
Herber, Lillian
Linwood, MI
Heyn, Jacob
Crete, IL
Hunt, Carolyn
Cary, NC
Kasper, Joseph
Thomasville, GA
Kell, Sarah
Zumbrota, MN
Kim, Joohyun
Seoul, South Korea
King, Caleb
Lomira, WI
Koenig, Melissa
De Pere, WI
Krause, Brittany
Hortonville, WI
Krieger, Joel
Las Vegas, NV
Kroll, Rebecca
Allen, TX
Kruger, Heidi
Mauston, WI
Kuschel, Karl
Mukwonago, WI
Lange, Chandra
West Allis, WI
Lash, Jacob
Racine, WI
Lemke, Megan
Jefferson, WI
Lindemann, Alex
Lewiston, MN
Lober, Victoria
Juneau, WI
Lor, Samuel
Kansas City, KS
Lovett, Kailynn
Caro, MI
Madison, Caroline
Acworth, GA
Manning, Cortney
Parkville, MO
Mantz, Elizabeth
West Bend, WI
Marquardt, Sara
Guntur, India
Meitner, Nathan
Appleton, WI
Melcher, Sarah
Johnson Creek, WI
Melott, Benjamin
Delano, MN
Moldenhauer, Heidi
Manitowoc, WI
Muir, Emily
Watertown, WI
Nelson, Christina
Phoenix, AZ
Nielsen, Heidi
Golden Valley, MN
Nitz, Ruth
Olympia, WA
Nommensen, Josiah
Cudahy, WI
Numrich, Joshua
Eagle River, WI
Oh, SiKyung
Seoul, South Korea
Olson, Rebecca
Dousman, WI
Osterman, Erich
Milwaukee, WI
Pappenfuss, Isaac
New Ulm, MN
Peterson, Zachary
Watertown, SD
Pflughoeft, Anthony
Germantown, WI
Plath, Ryan
Courtland, MN
Plocher, Emma
Garden Grove, CA
Plocher, Erin
Phoenix, AZ
Prange, Joel
Burlington, WI
Ragan, Rachel
Austin, TX
Ray, Micah
El Paso, TX
Rehbaum, Kimberly
Watertown, WI
Rehberger, Monica
Appleton, WI
Riediger, Rachel
West Salem, WI
Rosenbaum, Elise
St. Joseph, MI
Rothfuss, Mackenzie
Bay City, MI
Satorius, Zachary
Annandale, VA
Savage, Nathaniel
Phoenix, AZ
Schalinske, Molly
Racine, WI
Schleef, Hannah
Platteville, WI
Schleef, Nathan
Jackson, WI
Schlomer, Jacob
Helenville, WI
Schmidt, Robert
Janesville, WI
Schmitz, Mikala
Ft. Atkinson, WI
Schmitzer, Lana
Jenera, OH
Schneider, Marah
Schertz, TX
Schnose, Morgan
Dearborn, MI
Schoch, Megan
Merrill, WI
Schoeneck, Micah
Green Bay, WI
Schoenfeld, Michael
Lake Mills, WI
Schoenfeld, Sarah
Ft. Atkinson, WI
Schoenherr, Laura
New Ulm, MN
Schroeder, Kylah
Modesto, CA
Schultz, Emma
Elkhorn, WI
Schultz, Ethan
Waukesha, WI
Sprain, Daniel
Surprise, AZ
Steinke, Justin
San Antonio, TX
Stibb, Jessie
Princeton, WI
Stob, Matthew
Star Prairie, WI
Tews, Seth
New London, WI
Thiel, Matthew
Chesaning, MI
Thoma, Brenna
Sturgeon Bay, WI
Ticks, David
Kimberly, WI
Tupper, Kelsie
Minocqua, WI
Unke, Emily
Las Vegas, Nevada
Urbanek, Ashley
Bangor, WI
Van Alstine, Katherine
Howards Grove, WI
VonDeylen, Joshua
Friendswood, TX
Waldschmidt, Philip
Greenfield, WI
Walkley, Bryan
Onalaska, WI
Wassermann, Lydia
LaCrosse, WI
Welch, Thomas
Appleton, WI
Wenzel, Collin
Appleton, WI
West-Hallwas, Vincent
Beach Park, IL
Wilde, Michael
Stratford, WI
Wilkens, Justin
Haymarket, VA
Willitz, Miriam
Frankenmuth, MI
Wong, Nathan
New Ulm, MN
Wood, Nicole
Boulder, CO
Young, David
Oconomowoc, WI
Zabell, Eric
Green Bay, WI
Zachow, Marissa
Milwaukee, WI
Zweifel, Jason
Lake Mills, WI
Note: If you do not wish for your picture to appear here or if you see a mistake please contact the alumni director at alumni@mlc-wels.edu.