Adams, Jacki
Bradenton, FL
Alford, Garrett
Appleton, WI
Allard, Michael
Milwaukee, WI
Augustine, Matthew
Maribel, WI
Babinec, Erica
Onalaska, WI
Babler, Timothy
Port Orchard, WA
Bader, Breanna
Onalaska, WI
Bare, Christina
Owosso, MI
Becker, Douglas
Johnston, RI
Birner, Angela
Davison, MI
Boldt, Emily
Mukwonago, WI
Bolwerk, Sasha
Jenera, OH
Brukardt, Robyn
Appleton, WI
Buelow, Julius
Carthage, MO
Carter, Laura
Brownsville, WI
Danell, Justin
New Ulm, MN
Diaz, Cecilia Delgadillo
Bogota, Colombia
Dorn, Andrea
Lewiston, MN
Dorn, Mollie
Oshkosh, WI
Drake, Kadie
Adrian, MI
Duin, Kent
Watertown, WI
Duin, Kirsten
Fond du Lac, WI
Dunsmoor, Levi
Eagle River, WI
Elmquist, Paul
Tacoma, WA
Eternick, Jaime
Waterloo, WI
Ewald, Aaron
Burton, MI
Ewald, Sarah
Burton, MI
Ewings, Andrew
De Forest, WI
Fletcher, Chuqee
Milwaukee, WI
Folsom, Ian
The Woodlands, TX
Free, Jason
Rapid City, SD
Free, Sarah
Mukwonago, WI
Freund, Ashley
Oshkosh, WI
Friske, Ryan
Tawas City, MI
Fritzler, Carrie
Deford, MI
Fry, Kayla
Grove City, OH
Fuerstenberg, Kari
Carleton, MI
Georgson, Kathy
Watertown, WI
Gerlach, Andrew
Elm Grove, WI
Grayckowski, Chad
South Bend, IN
Grys, Cassandra
Rhineland, WI
Hagen, Emery
Santiago de los Caballeros, Domincan Republic
Hankemeier, Amy
Fremont, WI
Haskell, Emily
Rapid City, SD
Hauch, Cody
Saint Clair, MN
Hauf, Katelyn
Manitowoc, WI
Haugly, Michael
Fond du Lac, WI
Heckmann, Heidi
Lake Mills, WI
Heise, Justin
Green Bay, WI
Henning, Jessica
Redwood Falls, MN
Hill, Timothy
Durand, MI
Hintz, Michelle
Franklin, TN
Hohenstein, Daniel
Hortonville, WI
Holm, Heather
East Troy, WI
Horn, Hannah
Mazeppa, MN
Huebner, Katherine
Rothschild, WI
Janke, Hannah
Sioux Falls, SD
Kapler, Karis
Mountain Home, AR
Kluck, Kara
Watertown, SD
Koerber, Nathan
Indianapolis, IN
Kolander, Paul
Milwaukee, WI
Koltz, Meredith
Oconomowoc, WI
Kriege, Marie
Sussex, WI
Krueger, Alesha
Manitowoc, WI
Laude, Bryant
Salina, KS
Ledermann, Marinda
Saginaw, MI
Lehninger, Kimberly
Wauwatosa, WI
Leibl, Jacob
West Salem, WI
Lemmer, KDee
West Salem, WI
Lentz, Holly
Whitelaw, WI
Leyrer, Lauren
Mequon, WI
Liebenow, Jason
Washington Township, MI
Liepert, Justin
Jackson, WI
Limpert, Adam
Rochester, MN
Lindloff, Joseph
Saginaw, MI
Loberger, Nicole
Manitowoc, WI
Loescher, Andrew
Jackson, WI
Lorge, Kevin
Greenville, WI
Luebke, Stefanie
Racine, WI
Mackey, Thomas
Madison, WI
Marsh, Michael
Menomonee Falls, WI
Martin, Kelly
Wauwatosa, WI
Mattek, Rachel
Watertown, WI
Matthies, Jared
Lake Mills, WI
Mayes, Carolyn
Stevens Point, WI
Melso, Eric
Brookfield, WI
Millner, Roseanne
Lafayette, MN
Moeller, Joel
Watertown, WI
Molyneaux, Joel
St John’s Antigua
Moore, Alex
Aurora, IL
Morgan, Stephanie
Jefferson, WI
Nickle, Lisa
Clearwater, FL
Niemi, Rachel
La Crosse, WI
Nocella, Michael
Newport, MI
Nunnari, Kaitlin
Bay City, MI
Padfield, Shanna
Shakopee, MN
Panning, Samuel
Denton, TX
Pappalardo, Lisa
Milwaukee, WI
Pappenfuss, Krista
Nicollet, MN
Patoka, Timothy
Stafford, VA
Paustian, John
West Bend, WI
Pelischek, Steven
Fort Atkinson, WI
Peters, Renee
Weyauwega, WI
Pomije, Justin
New Prague, MN
Prost, Jill
West Bend, WI
Putz, Daniel
Fond du Lac, WI
Reich, Nathan
Hutchinson, MN
Reiff, Jennifer
Washington, MI
Reschke, Janet
De Pere, WI
Rixe, Alyssa
Hoskins, NE
Rothe, Jacob
Watertown, WI
Rupnow, Rachel
New Ulm, MN
Schafer, Kandi
Allegan, MI
Scheers, Brittany
Conroe, TX
Scherer, Katie
New Ulm, MN
Schmiege, Caleb
Madison, WI
Schulte, Nathan
La Valle, WI
Schultz, Caleb
San Diego, CA
Scriver, Jacob
Mundelein, IL
Selin, Jodi
Medary, WI
Shandor, Joshua
Richmond, VA
Sitzman, Gregory
Hubertus, WI
Sitzman, Stepfanie
Oshkosh, WI
Slaughter, Daniel
Mesa, AZ
Smart, Krystal
Maplewood, MN
Smatlak, Malissa
Menomonee Falls, WI
Sonnenberg, Andrew
Waukesha, WI
Spaude, Laura
Antigo, WI
Steinmeyer, Brittany
Menomonie, WI
Strucely, David
Dallas, TX
Stuebs, Andrew
Viroqua, WI
Stuedemann, Aaron
Shawano, WI
Stuedemann, Ginny
Neenah, WI
Swanson, Mark
Vancouver, WA
Teeples, Stephanie
Tampa, FL
Tousey, Katelyn
Waupun, WI
Traeder, Taylor
Schofield, WI
Unke, Jacob
New Ulm, MN
Van Wagner, Kirstin
Chesaning, MI
Vieth, Naomi
Lewiston, MN
Watson, Megan
Escondido, CA
Wendland, David
Beaver Dam, WI
Wendland, Rachel
Beaver Dam, WI
Weston, Mandy
Cedarburg, WI
Wetzel, Kurtis
Kewaskum, WI
White, Steven
East Troy, WI
Williams, Heather
Sparta, WI
Willitz, Josiah
Mankato, MN
Wordell, Nathan
Kenosha, WI
Yerks, Breanna
Milwaukee, WI
Zarnstorff, Claire
Anchorage, AK
Zell, Emily
Mequon, WI
Zietlow, Anne
Montello, WI
Zietlow, Benjamin
Montello, WI
Zuberbier, Luther
Fond du Lac, WI
Note: If you do not wish for your picture to appear here or if you see a mistake please contact the alumni director at alumni@mlc-wels.edu.