Aaberg, Kimberly
Stanton, NE
Albrecht, Lincoln
West Bend, WI
Bare, Andrew
Owosso, WI
Bare, Caitlin
Lake Geneva, WI
Bartsch, Benjamin
Milwaukee, WI
Becker, Julie
Phoenix, AZ
Bertoni, Jennifer
Watertown, WI
Bey, Emily
Crete, IL
Bitter, Kyle
Rochester, MN
Bodden, Joshua
New Ulm, MN
Boggs, Jennifer
Indianapolis, IN
Bourman, Anna
Rochester, MN
Bowe, Paul
Menomonee Falls, WI
Buck, Emily
New Ulm, MN
Burmeister, Jessica
Phoenix, AZ
Carlovsky, Joel
Crystal Lake, IL
Detro, Sarah
Madison, WI
Dolan, Jeffrey
New Ulm, MN
Duncan, David
Fort Atkinson, WI
Dunn, Amanda
Southlake, TX
Eich, Philip
Alma, MI
Emmer, Dawn
Hartland, WI
Ertl, Jordan
Watertown, WI
Ewings, Carrie
DeForest, WI
Ewings, Christopher
DeForest, WI
Foelske, Rachel
Manitowoc, WI
Free, Joel
Rapid City, SD
Frey, Adam
New Carlisle, OH
Frey, David
Belleville, MI
Fuerstenau, Kathryn
Germantown, WI
Gaulke, Jonathan
Watertown, WI
Gentz, Benjamin
Juneau, WI
Gibson, Scott
Sleepy Eye, MN
Glodowski, Elizabeth
Fountain City, WI
Goetzinger, Harland III
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Greefkes, Joseph
Jackson, WI
Greenlee, Elizabeth
Baton Rouge, LA
Groth, Alexander
Oconomowoc, WI
Hagen, Peter
Appleton, WI
Hanneman, Stephanie
Arlington, MN
Hanson, Joshua
Portland, OR
Harvey, Adam
Maplewood, MN
Hein, Amy
LaCrosse, WI
Hering, Rebecca
Grafton, WI
Herrmann, Noah
Sheboygan, WI
Heuer, Preston
Watertown, WI
Hinrichs, Brandon
Geneva, NE
Hintz, Chelsey
Delavan, WI
Hoff, Benjamin
Livonia, MI
Holm, Jacob
Kewaskum, WI
Holper, Ryan
Onalaska, WI
Horn, Naomi
Mazeppa, MN
Hosbach, Amanda
Hartford, WI
Howell, Sarah
Saginaw, MI
Hultman, Grant
Lenexa, KS
Hupalo, Jessica
Belleview, FL
Iles, Peter
Lake Mills, WI
Italiano, Jennifer
Sodus, MI
Jaeger, Seth
Johnson Creek, WI
Janke, Jessica
Modesto, CA
Joecks, Jennifer
Menomonee Falls, WI
Johnston, Jesse
Lecanto, FL
Kavalauskas, Brittany
Kenosha, WI
Kehl, Erika
Milwaukee, WI
Kern, Cheryl
Twin Lakes, WI
Kiecker, Philip
Watertown, WI
Kionka, Rachel
Concord, WI
Klindworth, Amanda
Lake City, MN
Knuth, Sara
Fond du Lac, WI
Kramer, Danielle
Sleepy Eye, MN
Krieger, Joshua
Tecumseh, MI
Kurbis, Caleb
Tacoma, WA
Laetsch, Erin
Oconomowoc, WI
Langebartels, Rebekah
Imlay City, MI
Lecker, Michelle
Greenville, WI
Leinberger, Angela
Papillion, NE
Leitz, Jason
Mason, MI
Lescher, Joanna
Bellevue, WA
Lindloff, Jonathan
Watertown, WI
Linton, Matthew
Watertown, WI
Loescher, Jonathan
Jackson, WI
Lorenz, April
Watertown, WI
lske, Julianne
Concord, WI
Luehring, Rachel
Lake Mills, WI
Mantey, Kristin
Port Orchard, WA
Marggraf, Sara
Delano, MN
Marks, Joy
Waukesha, WI
Martin, Erika
Arlington, OH
Matzke, Matthew
Manitowoc, WI
Mehlberg, Jennifer
West Bend, WI
Mellgren, Kelly
Lake City, MN
Metzger, Audrey
Livonia, MI
Meyer, Lori
Maple Grove, MN
Meyer, Rachel
Milwaukee, WI
Micheel, Paul
New Ulm, MN
Mueller, Christopher
Watertown, WI
Mueller, Jenni
Livermore, CA
Myers, Katie
Watertown, SD
Nagel, Bethany
Watertown, WI
Nelson, Marques
Winona, MN
Nitz, Aaron
Slades Corners, WI
Nottling, Rachel
Fox Lake, WI
Nowak, Matthew
Munith, MI
Oppermann, Andrea
Jefferson, WI
Oppermann, Matthew
West Bend, WI
Osmus, Adrienne
Thornton, CO
Pagel, Benjamin
Moline, IL
Parsons, Erik
Montrose, CO
Peil, Ashley
Midland, MI
- Petrie, Timothy
Prahl, Abby
New London, WI
Proeber, Jennifer
Franksville, WI
Proeber, Kevin Jr
Janesville, WI
Punke, Aaron
Milwaukee, WI
Raddatz, Benjamin
Ripon, WI
Raith, Nicholas
Beaver Dam, WI
Richmond, Nicole
Leslie, MI
Rick, Lisa
La Valle, WI
Rieke, Colin
LaCrosse, WI
Roberts, Jimmie
Millington, MI
Rose, Frank
Eden, WI
Rossi-Kay Henchen
Neillsville, WI
Rossman, Bethany
West Salem, WI
Saatkamp, James
Milwaukee, WI
Schafer, Newlin
Allegan, MI
Schaffer, Amanda
Oakley, MI
Schaub, Sarah
Alma, WI
Schleis, Keith
Green Bay, WI
Schlicht, Sarah
Black Creek, WI
Schmidt, Brian
Brownsville, WI
Schmiel, Stephen
Egg Harbor, WI
Schmill, Rebekah
Manitowoc, WI
Schmitzer, Faith
Jenera, OH
Schramm, Benjamin
Redwood Falls, MN
Schreiner, Erika
Hemlock, MI
Schumann, Gina
Prior Lake, MN
Scriver, Phillip
Kansasville, WI
Seelow, Sarah
Port Huron, MI
Seidl, Naomi
Volga, SD
Siegler, Lorien
Manitowoc, WI
Sigrist, David
Westerville, OH
Smith, Amanda
Westland, MI
Smith, Michael
Zumbrota, MN
Soman, Michael
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Spielbauer, Jamie
Appleton, WI
Springer, Benjamin
Aurora, CO
Stahl, Hannah
Winneconne, WI
Sternberg, Katherine
Rhinelander, WI
Stillman, Heidi
Helenville, WI
Sting, Emily
Pigeon, MI
Stritt, Amber
York, PA
Strong, Jason
Greenfield, MN
Strusz, Michael
Appleton, WI
- Tauchen, Samantha
Techtmann, Janine
West Bend, WI
Tilbury, Donald
Watertown, WI
Tomfohrde, Matthew
Rochester, MN
Trapp, Peter
Madison, WI
Tullberg, Joel
Milwaukee, WI
Umphrey, Shannon
Midland, MI
Unke, Angela
New Ulm, MN
VanBeckum, Justin
Oxford, WI
Vogt, Katherine
Howards Grove, WI
Voss, Katherine
Waupun, WI
Webb, Elizabeth
Crete, IL
Wehrenberg, Rachel
Apple Valley, MN
Welke, Rachel
Winona, MN
Westendorf, Daniel
Mequon, WI
Westerhoven, Gretchen
Eau Claire, MI
Westra, Matthew
Fairfield, OH
Wiechmann, Justin
New Berlin, WI
Witte, Hannah
Green Bay, WI
Zak, Benjamin
Fond du Lac, WI
Zarling, Cathryn
Mequon, WI
Zarnstorff, Cara
Anchorage, AK
Zastrow, Stephanie
Mayville, WI
Note: If you do not wish for your picture to appear here or if you see a mistake please contact the alumni director at alumni@mlc-wels.edu.