Alf, Sadie
New Berlin, WI
Baade, Brett
Milwaukee, WI
Backus, Sarah
Hemlock, MI
Backus, Steven
Hemlock, MI
Bain, Rachel
Coon Rapids, MN
Bare, Jonathan
Owosso, MI
Bater, Amanda
Lansing, MI
Becker, Paul
Crete, IL
Benoit, Crystal
Coleman, WI
Berg, David
Oshkosh, WI
Berg, Derek
Campbellsport, WI
- Siewert, Harry
Berg, Rebekah
Waupaca, WI
Bergemann, Scott
West Allis, WI
Berger, Benjamin
Slinger, WI
Bertolus, Rebecca
Watertown, WI
Biesterfeld, Timothy
Crete, IL
Blumer, Noelle
Orlando, FL
Bode, Sara
Hutchinson, MN
Bolwerk, Jeffery
Hartford, WI
Breinling, J. Craig
Stevensville, MI
Breitkreutz, Timothy
Watertown, WI
Briney, Jacob
Stevensville, MI
Burgess, Emile
Sacramento, CA
Burk, Paul
Lafayette, MN
Burow, Carol
Milwaukee, WI
Carlovsky, Benjamin
Crystal Lake, IL
Carolfi, Jessica
Marshfield, WI
Carran, Patrick
Beaver Dam, WI
Casmer, Philip
Phoenix, AZ
Choate, Candice
Citrus Heights, CA
Christian, Patrick
Lomira, WI
Clemons, Benjamin
Milwaukee, WI
Corona, James II
Milwaukee, WI
Curia, Luther
Citrus Heights, CA
Delamarter, Jeremy
Corvallis, OR
Diestler, Jason
Shawano, WI
Dietlein, Carrie
Midland, MI
Dins, Sara
Tempe, AZ
Diring, Brian
Windsor, WI
Dittbenner, Hayley
Phoenix, AZ
Dixon, Kyle
Placerville, CA
Dolan, Aaron
New Ulm, MN
Draper, Kevin
New Ulm, MN
Duncan, Sarah
Fort Atkinson, WI
Ehlke, Mark
Appleton, WI
Ehlke, Mark
Watertown, WI
Erdmann, Mandy
Appleton, WI
Evanson, Stephanie
Kenosha, WI
Festerling, Melissa
Marshall, MN
Fillner, Melissa
Shelby Township, MI
Frey, Melissa
Belleville, MI
Gibson, Leigh
West Saint Paul, MN
Glaesemann, Robyn
Saint Paul, MN
Gohr, Rebecca
Menomonee Falls, WI
Gosdeck, Rachel
New Ulm, MN
Graham, Chadwick
Bay City, MI
Gray, Erin
Tempe, AZ
Greenlee, Rebecca
Baton Rouge, LA
Groth, Sarah
Manitowoc, WI
Gumm, Joshua
Rockford, IL
Gunderson, John
Wood Lake, MN
Haakenson, Erin
Wauwatosa, WI
Haberman, Sarah
Helenville, WI
Hackmann, Brian
Greenfield, WI
Hartzell, Luke
New Ulm, MN
Hartzell, Sarah
Georgetown, TX
Heller, Hattie
Madison, WI
Hess, Brenda
Oshkosh, WI
Hieb, Angela
Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
Hochmuth, Philip
Watertown, WI
Hoernlein, Tina
Bay City, MI
Hofferbert, James
New Ulm, MN
Holman, Christopher
Citrus Heights, CA
Holub, Aaron
Brooklyn Park, MN
Huebner, Philip
Wauwatosa, WI
Hultman, Tracey
Lenexa, KS
Hutchinson, Ethan
Sterling Heights, MI
Jabs, Jill
Evansville, WI
Jacobson, Brigitta
New Ulm, MN
Janke, Philip
Iron Ridge, WI
Jenkins, Paul
Wauwatosa, WI
Johnson, Daniel
Corona, CA
Johnson, Lesley
Tyler, MN
Johnson, Nancy
New Ulm, MN
Kaesermann, Eric
Watertown, WI
Kallies, Nathaniel
Cudahy, WI
Kassebaum, Sarah
Duncanville, TX
Kerkow, Janelle
Brisbane, Australia
Kirchner, Alana
Little Chute, WI
Klug, Nyre
Beaver Dam, WI
Knoll, Heather
Appleton, WI
Koch, Rebekah
Fond du Lac, WI
Kolb, Alyssa
Prairie City, SD
Kom, Ann
Bismarck, ND
Korth, Mary
Bay City, MI
Koschnitzke, Christopher
Menomonee Falls, WI
Krause, Brad
Watertown, WI
Krell, Erin
Newburg, WI
Krug, Nathan
Naperville, IL
Kuehl, Andrew
Hartford, WI
Kumm, Diane
Round Lake Beach, IL
Kunz, Maura
Burnsville, MN
Kuschel, Michael
South Milwaukee, WI
Lacher, Kimberly
Gilbert, AZ
LaViolette, Jill
Manitowoc, WI
Lawrenz, Susannah
Mequon, WI
Learman, Sarah
Peshtigo, WI
Leintz, Tracy
Appleton, WI
Lewis, Carlita
Whiteriver, AZ
Lindemann, Nathan
Bismarck, ND
Lindholm, Jennifer
Delano, MN
Loberger, Jeffrey
Manitowoc, WI
Lotito, Karen
New Ulm, MN
Lowrey, Erin
Saginaw, MI
Maglietto, Nicholas
Oceanside, CA
Marcouiller, Renee
New Berlin, WI
Martin, Christine
Oakfield, WI
Mattek, Paul
New Ulm, MN
McClellan, Keith
West Salem, WI
Meier, Amanda
Phoenix, AZ
Moldenhauer, Jessica
Jackson, WI
Monday, Andrew
New Ulm, MN
Mueller, Katie
Livermore, CA
Mueller, Kiara
Manitowoc, WI
Munson, Jonathan
Mesa, AZ
Nehmer, Laura
Columbus, WI
Neitzel, Jocelyn
Delafield, WI
Nelson, Joshua
Milwaukee, WI
Nielsen, Joshua
Apple Valley, MN
Noack, Jennifer
Hudson, WI
Novotny, Michael
Green Bay, WI
Oakland, Eric
Winthrop, MN
Olson, Rebecca
Royal Oak, MI
Palmer, Amy
Oconomowoc, WI
Paschal, Gillian
Oconomowoc, WI
Pate, Rebecca
Wauwatosa, WI
Pavelchik, Adam
Milwaukee, WI
Pavelchik, Mandy
Oakfield, WI
Perry, Garth
Phoenix, AZ
Petermann, Lisa
Eau Claire, WI
Petermann, Rachel
Saukville, WI
Petrie, Khrista
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phillips, Lynn
New Ulm, MN
Pollesch, Scott
Kingston, WI
- Siewert, Harry
Jonathan, Quinn
Watertown, WI
Raddatz, Nathan
Kaukauna, WI
Radtke, Benjamin
Tucson, AZ
Rathje, Christopher
Saginaw, MI
Rausch, Elisabeth
New Ulm, MN
Reinhard, Adam
Greenfield, WI
Richards, Jason
St. John’s, Antigua West Indies
Riesop, Justin
Whiteriver, AZ
Rimpel, Joshua
Crete, IL
Roeller, Nicole
Lino Lakes, MN
Rogas, Clint Jr.
Austin, TX
Rosenau, Andrew
Milwaukee, WI
Scharf, Nathanael
West Allis, WI
Schiller, Renee
West Bend, WI
Schmeling, Amy
River Falls, WI
Schmidt, Elissa
Janesville, WI
Schmidt, Heidi
New Ulm, MN
Schmitz, Julia
Fond du Lac, WI
Schroeder, Eric
Appleton, WI
Schroeder, Mark
Saginaw, MI
Schulmeister, Nathan
Antioch, IL
Schultz, Matthew
Watertown, WI
Schulz, Juliane
Cottage Grove, WI
Schumann, Molly
Prior Lake, MN
Schupmann, Paul
Aurora, IL
Schutz, Mark
Menomonie, WI
Seeger, Elizabeth
Sioux Falls, SD
Seeger, Emily
Sioux Falls, SD
Seeger, Stephanie
Manitowoc, WI
Seelow, Nathanael
Rice Lake, WI
Seifert, Sarah
Midland, MI
Sheridan, Marsha
Sodus, MI
Sievert, Dustin
Watertown, WI
Smith, Adrian
New Ulm, MN
Snell, Amy
Brookfield, WI
Spier, Anneliese
Titusville, FL
Springstroh, Kim
Appleton, WI
Steffen, Amy
Glenwood City, WI
Steinke, Craig
Helenville, WI
Stern, Jesse
Flagstaff, AZ
Sternberg, Rachel
Rhinelander, WI
Stoering, Josiah
Courtland, MN
Strackbein, Sarah
New Ulm, MN
Tarver, Jessica
Kenosha, WI
Taylor, Bradley
Watertown, WI
Templeton, Lucy
LeSueur, MN
Thies, Timothy
Schofield, WI
Toepel, Jason
Lake Mills, WI
Tomczyk, Daniel
South Milwaukee, WI
Towner, Amy
Appleton, WI
Uecker, Ann
Neosho, WI
Underwood, Sarah
Omaha, NE
Valleskey, Karl
Houston, TX
Vanderhoof, Justin
Appleton, WI
Vik, Karyn
Appleton, WI
Vlieger, Michael
Rapid City, SD
Vogel, Timothy
Kennewick, WA
Walker, Kevin
New Ulm, MN
Walta, Kristian
New Ulm, MN
Wardell, Kelly
Cambria, WI
Warning, Katherine
Greendale, WI
Wegner, Crystal
Morrison, WI
Wegner, Kari
Maribel, WI
Wendland, David
New Ulm, MN
Wendt, Rebecca
Neenah, WI
Westendorf, Kathryn
Mequon, WI
Weston, Donald
Glendale, AZ
Westphal, Jonathan
Saginaw, MI
Wetzel, Bradley
Milwaukee, WI
Wilcox, P. James
Seattle, WA
Wolf, Matthew
Jarrettsville, MD
Wurster, Matthew
Hillsboro, WI
Zahrt, Jessica
Lafayette, MN
Zimmermann, Deborah
Brooklyn Park, MN
Zimpelmann, Jonathan
Eagle River, WI
Note: If you do not wish for your picture to appear here or if you see a mistake please contact the alumni director at alumni@mlc-wels.edu.