Amborn, Keith
East Troy, WI
Barenz, Mark
Hartland, WI
Beck, John
Lake Geneva, WI
Becker, Bruce
Phoenix, AZ
Behnke, Tom
Kewauskum, WI
Brinkman, Anthony
Oak Creek, WI
Dorn, John
Winona, MN
Feuerstahler, Micheal
Milwaukee, WI
Fischer, James
Beaver Dam, WI
Fletemier, Curt
Plymouth, MI
Free, Keith
Omaha, NE
Freier, Mark
St Joseph, MI
Frost, Richard
Green Bay, WI
Gauger, James
Valders, WI
Gierach, Larry
Germantown, WI
Good, Jeff
Plymouth, MI
Gunn, Jeff
Phoenix, AZ
Hanneman, Bruce
Readfield, WI
Hella, Dale
Waukegan, IL
Henke, Mark
Kawkawlin, MI
Heup, Charles
Appleton, WI
Heyer, Philip
Fort Wayne, IN
Horneber, Adam
Bancroft, MI
Janke, Paul
Fond du Lac, WI
Klessig, Dale
Newton, WI
Krause, Richard
Brookfield, WI
Kuehl, David
Watertown, WI
Kujawski, Robert
Wauwautosa, WI
Marggraf, Bruce
San Rafael, CA
Mischke, Steven
Juneau, WI
Monthie, Stephen
Hudson, NY
Natsis, Bill
Bay City, MI
Nelson, James
Bismarck, ND
Neumann, Marcus
St Paul, MN
Panitzke, Peter
Redwood Falls, MN
Payne, David
Neenah, WI
Pope, Stephen
Mequon, WI
Prell, Conrad
Kendall, WI
Proeber, James
West Allis, WI
Radtke, Nathan
Merritt Island, FL
Rieke, Mark
Tomah, WI
Rossman, Jonathan
Jenera, OH
Ruege, John
Oakfield, WI
Schallert, Jeffrey
Milwaukee, WI
Scheurlein, Don
Bay City, MI
Schmelzer, Dan
Remus, MI
Schmidt, Russ
Two Rivers, WI
- Schulz, Gregory
Schulz, Mark
Saginaw, MI
Smith, Thomas
La Crescent, MN
Spaude, Michael
Wauwautosa, WI
Thierfelder, Paul
Appleton, WI
Unke, Timothy
Manitowoc, WI
Voss, Dave
Green Bay, WI
Wagner, Mark
Norfolk, NE
Wales, Earl
Garfield, MN
Wolff, Michael
Appleton, WI
Wright, Stephen
Bismarck, ND
Zell, Paul
Watertown, WI
Note: If you do not wish for your picture to appear here or if you see a mistake please contact the alumni director at alumni@mlc-wels.edu.