Berg, WI
Brockelman, Albert
Yakima, WA
Meyer, Frances
Watertown, SD
Moldenhauer, Beata
Iron Ridge, WI
Nolte, Waldemar
Claremont, MN
Nommensen, Adele
Columbus, WI
Pretzer, Erwin
Saginaw, MI
Seehusen, Ruth
New Ulm, MN
Stindt, Oliva
New Ulm, MN
Strege, Agnes
South Shore, SD
Uhlig, Ruth
Backus, MN
Wantoch, Julius
Stanton, NE
Wegner, Margaret
Van Dyne, WI
Weyland, Rudolph
Larsen, WI
Witte, Florence
Hutchinson, MN
Wollenburg, Ora
Pickett, WI
Note: If you do not wish for your picture to appear here or if you see a mistake please contact the alumni director at alumni@mlc-wels.edu.