- Bittorf, Reinhard Egg Harbor, WI
- Bretzmann, Carl Wauwatosa, WI
- Degner, Alvin Ixonia, WI
- Fischer, Adolph Flint, MI
- Frederking, August Chicago, IL
- Gieschen, Waldemar Wauwatosa, WI
- John, John Mankato, MN
- Koch, Marcus Reedsville, WI
- Kuske, Paul Osceola, WI
- Lieberum, Carl Milwaukee, WI
- Mahnke, Theodor Milwaukee, WI
- Mutchler, Margaret Watertown, WI
- Reich, Ruby Watertown, WI
- Schlavensky, Norman Kenosha, WI
- Schmeling, Gerhard Milwaukee, WI
- Spalding, Paul Wanda, MN
- Uetzmann, Gerhard Wrightstown, WI
- Winkel, Theodore Manistee, MI
- Zink, Waldemar Bay City, MI
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