SSC2001 Social Studies I: Civics & Economics
3 credits. An introductory course to civics and economics that examines the roles citizens play in the political, governmental, and economic systems in the United States; examines the Constitution to identify the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens; describes the structure and operation of government at the local, state, and national levels; and investigates the process by which decisions are made and the role of government in the American market economy.

SSC2202 Social Studies II: Economic Sociology
3 credits. An introductory course in sociology and economics that investigates, analyzes, and applies sociological concepts and methods to the analysis of the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.

SSC3030 Introduction to Philosophy
3 credits. A survey course in the history of Western philosophy. (Cross-listed with PHI2001)

SSC3210 World Regional Geography
3 credits. An overview of the world’s major realms from a spatial perspective. The physiographic and cultural landscapes of regions are explored using systematic geographic concepts.

SSC3220 Latin-American Culture & Civilization
3 credits. An advanced level course presenting an overview of the history, beliefs, customs, and behaviors of Latinos in the United States and abroad. (Cross-listed with SPN3001)

SSC4201 Introduction to Minority Cultures
3 credits. An overview of the beliefs, customs, and behaviors of minority ethnic groups in the United States as compared to the student’s own culture.
