Goal and Learning Outcomes

With Christ at the center, each student will acquire a scholar’s insight, a professional’s skill, and a servant’s heart.

A scholar’s insight in respect to

  • knowledge of Christian truth as taught in the Scriptures, from a confessional Lutheran viewpoint
  • knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, through study in mathematics, sciences, humanities and the arts

A professional’s skill in respect to

  • application of God’s Word
  • scholarly research
  • thinking processes
  • communication
  • quantitative literacy

A servant’s heart in respect to

  • devotion to God and his mission in the world
  • stewardship of our bodies & minds, time & talents, and all God-give resources
  • ethical reasoning
  • intercultural competence
  • civic engagement / community service
  • teamwork

The Purpose of General Education Courses at MLC

The General Education curriculum courses aim to establish a foundation for training as a future minister of the gospel and to develop the broad knowledge base and skills college-educated persons demonstrate. The courses seek to provide thorough study within their respective content areas and focused engagement with critical questions, both contemporary and enduring.


Students enrolled in any program at Martin Luther College take 38 general education credits.  The courses are listed below by subject area. Education majors pursuing Minnesota state licensure should consult their specific program plan before choosing courses from the elective menus below.