SPE1101 Foundations of Special Education
3 credits. An introduction to the field of special education that provides an overview of historical foundations and legislation; categories of disabilities; frameworks for supporting students with and without disabilities; and contemporary issues pertaining to the education of students with disabilities.

SPE2101 Educating the Exceptional Learner
3 credits. Study of legislation, current issues, instruction, and resources as they apply to the needs and characteristics of exceptional learners ages birth to 21. Prerequisite(s): recommended junior, senior, or fifth-year standing

SPE2102 Diagnosis and Assessment of Students with Special Needs
3 credits. Administration and interpretation of formal and informal measures used in the identification of students with disabilities.

SPE2103 The IEP Process and Professional Practice
3 credits. Roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher in planning and delivering instruction.

SPE2104 Developmental Disabilities
3 credits. Diagnostic, etiological, and intervention issues in developmental cognitive disabilities (DCD) including autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and other health disorders (OHD).

SPE3101 Learning Disabilities and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
3 credits. Identification and instructional supports for students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD).

SPE3102 Assistive Technology in Special Education
3 credits. Examination of assistive technology (AT) related to teaching and learning and using AT to help facilitate successful integration of people with disabilities into the school and community.

SPE3103 Transition Planning and Collaboration in Special Education
3 credits. Facilitating effective planning for transitions (preschool, elementary, middle, high school, and postsecondary/adult) and collaboration with parents and professionals.