Early Field Experience

If you come to MLC during the first week of spring break, you’ll notice that many students and faculty are still on campus, and they’re excited about it. They’re doing what they love: teaching!

Early Field Experience (EFE) is required of all education and staff ministry students, and for the first-years, it’s held on campus during the first week of spring break. Students learn about reflection journals, lesson planning, classroom management, and much more. The education professors mentor students as they prepare their first lessons.
These teachers-in-training start with some simple lessons for their peers, practicing planning and instruction techniques. Then the real fun begins: preparing to teach elementary and middle school students! Each MLC student teaches their lesson to multiple small groups.
While nerves are high, morale is high too. EFE gives students their first taste of the teaching ministry and encourages them to grow as they look forward to the future.
Pictured: Anna Plocher (King of Kings-Garden Grove CA) leads a lesson for her peers.