
A Common Sense Approach to the Common Core
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
Active Engagement
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
This session provides a framework and strategies for active student engagement in lesson content.
Length: 50 minutes | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Administration of Early Childhood Programs
Jennifer Mehlberg – (507) 354-8221 ext 378 or
Directors of early childhood centers wear many hats. This presentation will provide a basic overview of some of those areas of administration.
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
This session reviews effective assessment strategies that can be immediately applied to teaching.
Length: 50 minutes | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Cooperative learning
Cindy Whaley – (507) 354-8221 ext 347 or
Creating a classroom community
Cindy Whaley – (507) 354-8221 ext 347 or
Culture and Class in Education
Benjamin Clemons – (507) 354-8221 ext 262 or
An introductory look culture and socioeconomic class in relation to WELS classrooms. We are increasingly encountering cultural and economic diversity in our teaching ministries. In this sectional we will examine attitudes and strategies related to reaching all of our students for the sake of gospel ministry.
Length: 60 minutes | Projector and Screen Required

Curriculum planning and integration
Cindy Whaley – (507) 354-8221 ext 347 or
Differentiation and Assessment
James Carlovsky – (507) 354-8221 ext 291 or
How can I reasonably differentiate in a classroom of diverse learners?
Length: 1-2 Hours | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Differentiation of instruction
Robert Klindworth – (507) 354-8221 ext 223 or
Length: 1 hour sectional – Full day seminar | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Driven by Assessment
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
What is an effective way to check for understanding, providing meaningful feedback, and plan for differentiation without committing to countless hours of work? Discover the rationale and structures for analyzing student thinking to come up with appropriate strategies for teaching to all different levels of student learners.

Length: 1 or 2 Hour Sectional | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Faith-based school leadership
Robert Klindworth – (507) 354-8221 ext 223 or
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
This session reviews ways to ensure today’s lesson is worthwhile and all students are focused on it.
Length: 50 minutes | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Growing in Your Ministry: WELS Teaching Standards
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
Still trying to practically apply the WELS Teaching Standards to the teaching ministry? Discover what the WELS Teaching Standards look like in practice and how other WELS teachers practically use these standards to normalize and guide awesome Lutheran teaching.
Length: 1 or 2 Hour Sectional | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Home-and-school relationships
Cheryl Loomis – (507) 354-8221 ext 346 or
Inductive Approach to Teacher Development
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
Initiatives have been implemented to better support new teachers in their transition into the full-time ministry. However, there seems to be a gap in the way instructional leaders serve experienced teachers in a spirit of continuous improvement. This session will look at an approach that maximizes collegiality while offering more opportunities for experienced teachers to look at their ways of reaching young minds through instructional coaching and observation. If a double session/half-day workshop is provided, attendees will incorporate improvement strategies into a school improvement plan.

Length: 1 Hour Sectional to Half-day Workshop | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Learning-Focused Instruction
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
Designed for teachers at all levels, this workshop reviews research-proven ways that every teacher can use to maximize student learning. Longer time permits hands-on work in which participants design effective lessons they will teach in the coming week.
Length: 50 minutes to 5 hours, depending on needs | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Integrating the Faith
Scott Schmudlach – (507) 354-8221 ext 202 or
Our school mission statement states that we teach “all subjects in the light of God’s Word.” How evident is this in our teaching? What resources are available to assist Lutheran educators in intentionally and naturally integrating God’s Word and Christian living into our teaching?
Length: 50 min | Projector and Screen Required
Learning styles
Cindy Whaley – (507) 354-8221 ext 347 or

Making Teaching Standards Useful
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
Moments of Learning
James Carlovsky (507) 354-8221 ext 291 or
What causes moments of learning to be more likely in your classroom? How do you know that your students are even learning? What specific teacher moves could you make in those moments of learning?
1-15 hours | Projector and Screen Required, Internet Required
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
This session reviews the psychological basis of motivation and how teachers can tap motivation to maximize learning.
Lenght: 50 minutes | Projector and Screen Required
Movement in the Classroom
Daniel Gawrisch – (507) 354-8221 ext 238 or
Action Based Learning and the value of using movement (Brain Breaks/Energizers) in the classroom to prepare for learning, reinforce content, and stimulate brain development.
Length: 1-2 hours | Projector and Screen Required
Multi-grade education
Cindy Whaley – (507) 354-8221 ext 347 or
Kelli Green – 507-354-8221 Ext. 216 or
From the general education classroom, through the intervention process, and to referral to special education, the navigation of local Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) can be confusing and challenging. What exactly do WELS educators need to know and why is it important for us to know? The goal is collaboration between public and private school professionals to support exceptional learners but when that is not possible, what can we do to meet the needs of all learners?
Length: 1 to 2 hours | Projector and Screen Required
1st and 2nd Year Teachers: Never Work Harder Than Your Students
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
A strong number of WELS educators are skilled at planning instruction and determining what they will do during the course of a lesson. Yet it is a big shift to truly engage students in worthwhile, rigorous learning grounded in WELS teaching standards. This session examines select skills needed to shift a classroom’s focus from teaching to learning—and in the end, never work harder than your students.
Length: 1 hour sectional | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
WELS New Teacher Induction (NTI)—What Does This Mean?
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
“NTI is a collaborative partnership dedicated to supporting new teachers.
Find out who is involved in this partnership, what instructional mentoring means and looks like, and learn how you might become involved.”
Length: 1 hour sectional | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Overview of HighScope Curriculum
Jennifer Mehlberg – (507) 354-8221 ext 378 or
In this presentation we cover the basic components of the HighScope approach and curriculum. This presentation is targeted for those who wish to know more about a high quality approach and curriculum for children Birth- age 5.
Length: 1.5 hours (could be longer) | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Professional growth in the WELS
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
Teachers learn about a variety of ways that reinforcement can be used to help students achieve. Includes dos and don’ts.
Length: 50 minutes | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Seminar for Beginning Teachers (various topics)
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
So . . . how is your year going? For new teachers, this can be a loaded question. Come and be encouraged by your fellow beginning teachers in this roundtable discussion. We welcome all student teachers and classroom teachers in their first or second year in the ministry. We will be sharing joys and struggles of the ministry and offering hope and solutions during our group discussion.
Length: 1 hour | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Staff development
Robert Klindworth – (507) 354-8221 ext 223 or
Strategies for Effective Instruction
John Meyer – (507) 354-8221 ext 398 or
Student mental health indicators
Robert Klindworth – (507) 354-8221 ext 223 or
Supervision of instruction
Robert Klindworth – (507) 354-8221 ext 223 or
Formative Supervision of Instruction
Jeff Wiechman – (507) 354-8221 ext 207 or
A discussion and study of summative and formative teacher evaluation definitions, benefits, challenges, formats, and scenarios.
Length: Up to 6 hours (for clock hours or 0.5 cr) | Projector and Screen Required
Teach Like a Champion – Putting It into Practice
Benjamin Clemons – (507) 354-8221 ext 262 or
Explore the philosophy and techniques of noted educator Doug Lemov. The book Teach Like a Champion offers research-based instructional tactics that can improve the effectiveness of education in any setting. From preparation to teaching to management, this sectional will discuss high quality education in the Christian classroom.
Length: 50-60 minutes | Projector and Screen Required
Teacher Talk for Effective Management
Benjamin Clemons – (507) 354-8221 ext 262 or
The way we speak greatly affects our classrooms. Every positive or negative comment, every answer, every question shapes the school climate. Thoughtful procedures, carefully planned responses, and teacher self-control can work to eliminate student arguments, promote problem solving, and set the stage for the loving application of Law and Gospel. In this sectional we will explore ways in which teacher talk can lead to effective classroom management.
Length: 50-60 minutes | Projector and Screen Required
Teaching Religion Revisited
Jonathan Roux – (507) 354-8221 ext 394 or
Length: 50-60 minutes | Projector and Screen Required
Teaching with Technology
James Carlovsky – (507) 354-8221 ext 291 or
The integration of technology with curriculum content and instruction in K-12 schools.
Length: 1-45 hours | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
The Need for PE
Daniel Gawrisch – (507) 354-8221 ext 238 or
The need for daily, quality physical education in elementary schools and useful teaching PE tips focusing on: class organizational systems, SPARK curriculum basics, demonstration SPARK lessons, and the use of technology in PE.
Length: Multiple workshops | Projector and Screen Required
Worksheets, Creative use of
Jonathan Roux – (507) 354-8221 ext 394 or
Leadership Teams
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
There is always so much for leaders and teachers in a school to do, yet how to get it all done and make it easier on everyone? This session takes a network approach to implement a strength-based inquiry process that follows norms for collecting and discussing observed student data in order to capitalize on the strengths in a school and improve student learning.

Length: 1 hour sectional | Projector and Screen Required
Positive & Productive Learning Environments
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
How can a teacher better maintain order in the classroom? This session targets an approach to classroom management practices and the corresponding principles for ensuring an environment that actively supports students in the work of learning.

Length: 1 hour sectional | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required
Learning-Focused Instruction
Jon Schaefer – (507) 354-8221 ext 352 or
Student learning is the purpose of schooling. Sometimes this concept gets lost in the race to meet teacher and subject standards. This interactive lecture session will refocus on the little, but powerful, things teachers can do in daily lessons that are research-proven to help all students learn more. Specifically, we will review the anticipatory set, the learning target, formative assessment, active engagement, and lesson closure and assignments. If a double session/half-day workshop is provided, attendees will incorporate proven achievement strategies in a real lesson. This session provides the foundational classroom instruction model emphasized in the Commission on Lutheran Schools’ Ministerial Growth and Evaluation Process. (This session will be presented at the EdTechLead19 Summit)

Length: 1 Hour Sectional to Half-day Workshop | Projector and Screen Required | Internet Required