Welcome To MLC!
In addition to new students, we welcome several new faces to our campus as classes resume. Tutor Nathan Wordell begins his service as a tutor in Concord Hall and will teach Latin. Prof. Craig Hirschmann will teach music; Prof. Greg Holzhueter will teach mathematics, physical education and coach; Prof. David Scharf will teach theology; Adjunct Instructor Ramona Czer will teach English; Erin Meissner will cover Wind Symphony and teach music during Prof. Miles Wurster’s sabbatical; and Instructor Julius Buelow will teach Hebrew during Prof. Thomas Nass’ sabbatical. Student Matthew Swanson will be teaching mathematics.
At the Early Childhood Learning Center, Elizabeth Klugherz moves to the director’s role; Tarah (Steinbrenner) Beduze was assigned as a lead teacher; and Kristin Haun, Katie (Anderson) Wenner and Grace Welch are full time assistant teachers at the center.
Our staff has also been blessed with several new additions. Galen Holzhueter serves as a part time admissions counselor; Leah Matzke, as web content manager in the Mission Advancement Office; Tamara Lott, as administrative assistant in the Human Resources Office in addition to the Staff Ministry and Congregational Assistance Program Office; LaShawn Smith, as administrative assistant for the Field Experience Office.
We pray that God would bless each of these individuals as they serve the college in the coming year!