Study Abroad: Berlin

Josiah Koelpin with his host-mom on the Glienicker Brücke (Bridge) in Berlin.
David Rutschow (Peace-Cottonwood AZ) and Josiah Koelpin (Calvary-Dallas) spent last semester studying abroad in Berlin.
Both young men attended classes, traveled throughout Europe, and worshiped with our WELS sister synod Evangelisch-Lutherische Freikirche (ELFK).
David and Josiah’s blog offered advice to students considering studying abroad. “Be open about new experiences,” says Josiah, “especially if they are out of your comfort zone. The friends I made along the way, my experiences, and the joy of learning I have found are all evidence of God’s hand throughout this semester and always.”
Josiah admits that he felt nervous about maintaining a strong faith in a highly atheist country. To overcome this challenge, David and Josiah connected with other WELS members from the United States and forged friendships with their peers at ELFK congregations.
“Through fellowship at the ELFK churches in Berlin, Hartenstein, and Dresden, and the WELS Heidelberg Retreat, I was well-supported in my faith,” says Josiah.