Stacy Shrum
When you get to know Stacy (Scott) Shrum ’02, three words come to mind: energy, enthusiasm, and impact. And it’s clear that God uses these qualities to bless her life and ministry. Her energy and enthusiasm for sharing Christ’s love positively impacts those around her—her students, school, congregation, and husband.
Stacy has had a positive impact in a variety of settings. Upon graduation from Martin Luther College in 2002, she served Emanuel First Lutheran in Lansing MI as a preschool teacher, assistant childcare director, and part-time K-2 teacher. In 2006 she accepted a call to open and direct Key to Life Christian Childcare in Schofield WI. “This was an incredible outreach experience as we opened our doors in 2007 with seven students and a year later had 107 enrolled,” explained Stacy. “God is good!”
Stacy met her husband, Justin, through a Christian dating website when he was in the U.S. Navy. After a long-distance relationship, they married on June 20, 2008. While in the Navy, Justin had come to know God’s love as a result of his grandfather’s death. “Justin was pretty lost, and his chaplain got a hold of him and taught him about God’s love,” Stacy shared. “He couldn’t get enough of the gospel, and he experimented with many different Pentecostal and nondenominational churches, desperately searching to find ‘the truth.’” After their marriage, Justin entered a Baptist seminary, but was frustrated with what he was learning. “I continued to pray for him while he consulted with a WELS pastor and friend he knew.” Through her prayers and God’s Word, Justin was confirmed in a WELS congregation and is now studying for the pastoral ministry at MLC!
While he studies, Stacy is serving in Sleepy Eye MN. “My current ministry at St. John’s (Sleepy Eye MN) has given me great opportunities to use the gifts and talents God has given me in many different areas,” she says. She teaches 3- and 4-year-old preschool and Kindergarten. She’s also in charge of preschool through grade 8 music. “I love singing and music in general,” she says. “It’s certainly a blessing to be able to touch the lives of 3-year-olds and 13-year-olds alike!”
Stacy’s goal is to complete her master’s degree and walk the stage with Justin at MLC in 2013. With all she has going on, why did Stacy want a graduate degree? “I find wherever I serve, I always face the challenge of ‘Am I doing enough?’ I am constantly looking for ways to improve myself as a teacher, and to improve my program as well. I have always wanted to continue my education. I truly believe that a superior teacher never stops learning,” she answers.
And why Special Education? “There is such a need for Special Education, even in the WELS, as more and more children who have needs are enrolling in our schools. I hope to be able to support these students in order to give them the opportunity to develop academically in an environment where they can also learn about their Savior.”
Stacy is glad she enrolled in MLC’s master’s program even though her plate is already full. “This program serves as a wonderful way to fit a master’s degree into a busy lifestyle and to learn in a Christ-centered environment. I love that the classes are online, which works so well with my busy teaching schedule. I also love that I am able to connect with and learn from other Christian teachers from all over the globe.
“I can honestly say that I have taken something from each and every class, and can use what I have learned within my own classroom setting. This program has given me an opportunity to grow as a teacher and continue to better myself in the areas that God has blessed me. I am a better teacher because of the MLC Grad Studies program.”