MLC graduate students learn from experts in their fields.
In addition to 17 on-campus faculty members, graduate students have access to 31 adjunct faculty members. Adjuncts are WELS members who serve MLC’s graduate program on a part-time basis, bringing their unique perspectives and experience to help our students grow beyond the walls of MLC.

They come to us from other higher education institutions, like Dr. Carolyn “Lyn” DeLorme from University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; Dr. Richard Bakken from Harvard University; Dr. Dan Johnson, president of Wisconsin Lutheran College; Dr. John Kolander, provost of Wisconsin Lutheran College; and Dr. Todd Russ, executive director of Grace in Action.

Some adjuncts are actively involved in ministry and provide a practical, hands-on approach, such as Dr. Julie Sallquist, Dr. Paul Steinberg, and Dr. Joshua Mears. God continues to bless us with more men and women with gifts to serve veteran teachers through our Graduate Studies program. We look forward to adding more of God’s talented people to our Graduate Studies faculty in the future.