What Will My Costs Be?
Calculate an estimated cost
to attend MLC
based on your
individual information!
Calculate an estimated cost
to attend MLC
based on your
individual information!
Student contributions
There are multiple resources available to help students cover the cost of a college education, but it is important to note that each student is primarily responsible for covering the majority of the cost. Strategies to help cover costs include saving graduation money, working during the summer before each school year, having a part-time job during the academic year, and applying for financial aid each year.
529 Plan
Money invested in a 529 college savings plan grows tax-deferred, and qualified distributions are tax-free. If you plan to use a 529 plan to help finance college, check out this guide to review what are qualified expenses…
Family contributions
Family members can help reduce the cost of college by making a payment directly to a student’s account. Payments of cash or check can be mailed directly to campus, or for a fee electronic payments can be made online, directly on a student’s billing statement.
Church contributions
Congregations can encourage and support their members who are preparing for the public ministry, by participating in the Congregational Partner Grant Program (CPGP). The congregation awards a grant to any undergraduate student enrolled at MLC and MLC will match that grant up to $1600 per student in 2025-2026!
More than 95% of the students at MLC utilize financial aid to help cover tuition, room, and board expenses. This Financial Aid Guide will help you understand the application process.
Financial aid includes many different types of aid. Review the components of financial aid:
- Grants
- Scholarships
- Loans
- Military Benefits
Email: mlcaid@mlc-wels.edu
Phone: 507-233-9154
Department Directory
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