SAB2001 Semester Abroad Pre-Departure
1 credit. An introduction to culture general and culture specific intercultural concepts and skills needed to successfully live and study outside of the United States. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor

SAB2002 Semester Abroad In-Country
1 credit. Practice and reflection on transferrable intercultural skills and concepts while living outside of the United States. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor

SAB2003 Semester Abroad Re-Entry
1 credit. An advanced exploration of intercultural concepts and skills coupling previous instruction with the Semester Abroad experience to help ease the student back into the home culture and apply concepts experienced during the Semester Abroad experience. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor

SAB4997 Semester Abroad
10 credits. A semester abroad experience in an approved institution as arranged through the International Services Office.

SAB4999 Semester Abroad
12 credits. A semester abroad experience in an approved institution as arranged through the International Services Office. Prerequisite(s): consent of International Services Office