All courses are taught in Spanish. Foreign language prerequisites may be waived with consent of instructor.
SPN1001 Elementary Spanish I
4 credits. An introduction to the Spanish language and culture through reading, writing, listening and speaking in Spanish. (4 hours + 1 one-hour language lab)
SPN1003 Elementary Spanish II
3 credits. A high-beginner Spanish language course that prepares the student for work at the intermediate levels in reading, writing, listening and speaking Spanish as defined by the ACTFL guidelines.
SPN2001 Intermediate Spanish I
3 credits. A transition course into the intermediate level that will develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in Spanish. Materials have been chosen from a wide variety of sources to increase student awareness of Latino culture and to give students the opportunity to explore a variety of contemporary cultural issues and topics. (3 hours + 1 one-hour language lab) Prerequisite(s): SPN1003 or a minimum of 2 years of high school Spanish with an acceptable score on the placement test
SPN2002 Intermediate Spanish II
3 credits. An intermediate level course that continues to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in Spanish. Materials come from a wide variety of sources to increase student awareness of Latino culture and to give students the opportunity to explore a variety of contemporary cultural issues and topics. Grammar is consistently integrated with the content of the readings. Prerequisite(s): SPN2001
SPN2003 Spanish Cultural Immersion
3 credits. A five-week study program in Latin America that requires a Spanish-only language pledge. The program is for students who wish to study and receive culture credits in a Spanish-speaking setting. It fulfills the intercultural elective requirement for pre-seminary men.
SPN2011 Intermediate Spanish III
3 credits. An upper-intermediate level course with a strong focus on grammar and the development of writing skills. Reading, listening and speaking in Spanish serve as strong support skills for the writing process. Prerequisite(s): SPN2002
SPN2012 Communicating Christ in Spanish
3 credits. A specialized upper-intermediate level Spanish course using the Bible and Biblical materials in Spanish as well as a wide variety of materials that can be used to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Spanish speaking community. Prerequisite(s):