MTH0003 Developmental Mathematics
1 credit. Mathematical topics with special emphasis placed upon the use of mathematical ideas and mathematical thought processes.  Topics include critical thinking, problem-solving, and concepts from set theory, logic, patterns of mathematics, and number theory. (This course does not fulfill any mathematics requirements for graduation.)

MTH1012 Organizational and Personal Finance
3 credits. An introduction to the key financial concepts impacting personal finances through a ministry lens. Emphasis is placed on building useful skills to prepare for financial independence.

MTH2004 Mathematics for Educators I
2 credits. Topics from the elementary and middle school curriculum (pre-K to grade 5) with an emphasis on gaining conceptual understanding and problem solving skills.

MTH2005 Mathematics for Educators II
2 credits. Topics from the elementary and middle school curriculum (grades 3-8) with an emphasis on gaining conceptual understanding and problem solving skills.

MTH2008 Introduction to Proofs
1 credit. A foundational course in mathematical reasoning and proof techniques, to prepare students for advanced mathematics coursework and for teaching mathematical reasoning and proof in middle and high school math courses, as applicable.

MTH2010 Calculus I
3 credits. An introduction to analytic geometry and single-variable calculus, with emphasis on limits and on differentiation and its applications. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of high school pre-calculus course or equivalent

MTH2011 Calculus II
3 credits. Integration of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Prerequisite(s): MTH2010

MTH2012 Calculus III
3 credits. Topics include Integration techniques, L’Hopital’s Rule, improper integrals, infinite sequences and series, parametric equations, and polar coordinates. Prerequisite(s): MTH2011

MTH2013 Calculus IV
3 credits. Topics include vectors and the geometry of space, vector-valued functions, multivariable functions, multiple integration. Prerequisite(s): MTH2012

MTH2020 Elementary Statistics
3 credits. Statistical concepts and methods for application. Topics include descriptive statistics, bivariate linear models, discrete and normal distributions, central limit theorem, estimation, and hypothesis testing.

MTH2021 Linear Algebra
3 credits. The study of matrices, determinants, vectors, and linear transformations with applications of each.

MTH2022 Discrete Mathematics
3 credits. The study of algorithms, graph theory, and Boolean algebra with applications of each.

MTH2023 College Geometry
3 credits. A survey of Euclidean, hyperbolic, transformational, and fractal geometry.