HIS1101 Biblical History & Literature I
3 credits. The biblical record of God’s grace from creation to the destruction of Jerusalem. (Cross-listed with ENG1201 and THE1001)

HIS1102 Biblical History & Literature II
3 credits. The biblical record of God’s grace from the destruction of Jerusalem, through the Intertestamental Period, to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Cross-listed with ENG1202 and THE1002)

HIS2001 United States History I
3 credits. A survey of the history of the United States from its colonial origins to the end of the nineteenth century. Prerequisite(s): ENG1303

HIS2101 Biblical History & Literature III
3 credits. The biblical record of God’s grace in the life of the primitive church. A study of selected New Testament epistles and their background in the Acts of the Apostles. This is a writing-intensive course in the General Education program. (Cross-listed with ENG2201 and THE2001)

HIS2112 The Rise of the West
3 credits. The rise of Western Civilization from its beginnings to the Renaissance.

HIS2113 The Modern West: From the Renaissance to World War II
3 credits. Maturation and diffusion of Western civilization from the Italian Renaissance to the end of the Second World War.