This is a listing of all currently available jobs for on-campus school year student employment. If you would like to narrow or widen your search, you can choose summer or all on-campus opportunities.
Note: To view current open positions for regular employment opportunities (not student employment), please visit the MLC Human Resources page.
Check out the on-campus opportunities page for tips and other important information.
~ ~ ~ If you are planning to work on campus – please review the Student Employment Quick Guide. ~ ~ ~
Important applicant notices:
- Martin Luther College’s Annual Security Report is public safety information about our campus and can be accessed by clicking here or by visiting
- Martin Luther College’s Title IX Policy can be accessed by clicking here or by visiting
- Small Business Administration notice regarding Equal Employment Opportunity can be viewed here or by visiting
Please be aware that each page lists 25 jobs. If there are more than 25 jobs currently available, tap or click “load more jobs” to see more.
Student Archivist (2025-2026)
Martin Luther CollegeMartin Luther College -
Events Student Worker (ASAP, or March 15 – May 9, 2025)
Martin Luther CollegeMartin Luther College -
Daylight Student Worker (2025-2026)
Martin Luther ColllegeMartin Luther College -
Cultural Engagement Center Student Lead (2025-2026)
Martin Luther CollegeMartin Luther College -
International Services Student Worker (2025-2026)
Martin Luther CollegeMartin Luther College -
Student Custodian (2nd Semester 2024-2025)
Martin Luther CollegeMartin Luther College