Passing the Mantle

You are Elijahs! Pastors, teachers, staff ministers, ministers of the gospel of all kinds, as you share the Word of God, you are doing the work of Elijah. And somewhere in your circle of influence is an Elisha, a young person who will take up the mantle of gospel ministry from you (2 Kings 2). Even now, they are watching you, wanting to imitate you, and waiting for a word of encouragement from you.

Many, many MLC students have an Elijah, someone who exemplified joyful ministry and encouraged them to consider ministry. Here are a few:

Jordyn Heckendorf

MLC ’24
(Shepherd of the Hills-West Bend WI)

Mrs. Kreis brought to my attention the gifts God gave me and how I can use those in a ministry setting. She is a great example of how to build personal relationships. Also, she will go above and beyond to help people, which is what I want to replicate. Her example at Kettle Moraine LHS inspires me to serve Christ by serving others.

Nathan Pausma

MLC ’24
(St. Luke-Oakfield WI)

Pastor David Haag (pictured), a Spanish teacher and soccer coach at Winnebago Lutheran Academy, showed me what a mature Christian man is like and what trust in God looks like. He pushed me to
be a better version of myself on the soccer pitch and always believed in me. Pastor Josh Olson’s joy and personality made me realize that a pastor doesn’t have to be the suit-and-tie type of guy. You
can just be yourself and have fun doing ministry.

Noah Ungemach

MLC ’24
(First German-Manitowoc WI)

Pastor Schaefer was my pastor at First German for most of my childhood and high school years. Throughout those years, he encouraged me to use my gifts in ministry. His selfless leadership of our congregation and love for the people he served showed me how wonderful it is to serve a
congregation. Pastor Schaefer is a constant reminder that hard work and dedication to the ministry can be a blessing to the congregation, your family, and yourself. I pray that other young adults can be moved to serve the Lord in the public ministry through the dedication of their pastors, teachers, and staff ministers.

Annaliese Wenz

MLC ’24
(Apostles-Billings MT)

When I was a sophomore in high school, my church had a vicar named Matt Proeber. He and his wife, Sarah, talked about MLC and serving in the public ministry and encouraged me to consider serving God in that way. Their love for Jesus shined bright, and I hope to share Jesus’ love with others just as they did.