The Foolishness of the Cross

The Foolishness of the Cross Drawing

The Foolishness of the Cross is the newest devotion book we’ve created for you. It contains a devotion for each day of Holy Week, April 13-20, written by MLC faculty.

The cross of Christ is the setting for the greatest reversal in history—an altar of humiliation transformed into the ultimate stage and revelation of the King of kings. To the world, it seems absurd that God would save through weakness, suffering, and death. Yet believers come face to face with God in all his power, providential might, and glory nowhere as clearly as at the cross.

These devotions will help us see how the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

We thank Michael Wiechmann, art instructor at Minnesota Valley LHS, for creating our thought-provoking image.

About the Artist

Michael Wiechmann is an art teacher at Minnesota Valley LHS in New Ulm, Minnesota. He studied studio art at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minnesota. He is blessed to be the husband of Kristy and the father of six children.

This image is a reflection on the upside-down nature of Jesus’ pathway during Holy Week. Wiechmann explains: “The collaged background text is from 1 Corinthians. Building up layers of paint and texture, I try to show the pathway of the cross, a path that travels through the pain, visually represented by the crown of thorns. I wanted to singularly focus on Jesus in a moment of calm and silence, before the crowds and the chaos. These humble moments on the path to the cross are what Christ goes through as he is crowned King through his sacrificial death and resurrection.”

See more of Wiechmann’s work at and @wichmannart.

Digital Flipbook

Coming in April. 

CLICK HERE to Read the Digital Flipbook

Podcasts – New podcasts are coming in April.

Click the play button to have the devotion read to you by the author.

Palm Sunday – A Savior Who Rules Me in Righteousness

Monday – A Savior Who Withstood Temptation

Tuesday – A Savior Who Seeks Me When I’m Lost

Wednesday – A Savior Who Gives True Sight to the Truly Blind

Maundy Thursday – A Savior Who Is Also My Friend

Good Friday – A Savior Who Was Forsaken in My Place

Saturday – A Savior Who Carries Me Through Trials

Easter Sunday – A Savior Who Defeated Death