Putting our foundational beliefs into action

Knights in Action seeks to recognize current, on-campus MLC students who exemplify the foundational beliefs of our strategic plan, and celebrate the student’s initiatives and accomplishments as they are carried out under the grace of Christ. Those foundational beliefs are stated in Pursuing Excellence Under the Cross as:

God loves us.
We pursue excellence under CHRIST’s cross as God’s fully loved children who know our heavenly Father is already perfectly pleased with us in Christ.

God gifts us.
We pursue EXCELLENCE under the cross by giving God the best his grace inspires in us with the unique talents he’s given each of us.

God emboldens us.
We pursue excellence under OUR OWN cross as we die to mediocrity and apathy and rise in Christ with the courage to take risks for the gospel.

Any Martin Luther College faculty or staff member can nominate an MLC student who lives out one or more of these foundational beliefs through a ministry-minded activity on or off our campus. These activities can be the product of coursework, supporting an existing ministry, or an individual initiative.  The evidence of their accomplishment could be an activity/event, or a written, dramatic, or musical work.

To be considered for Knights in Action, nominees must be in good academic & conduct standing at Martin Luther College. One student will be selected each month.

Nominations are due by the 15th of each month and announced at the beginning of the following month.

The selected student will have his/her award displayed outside the Communications Office for one month and will be recognized on social media and email platforms.

Andy Raasch

October 2024

His coach, Dr. Martin LaGrow, writes,

“Andy volunteers countless hours at Northcross Lutheran Church in Lakeville. In the NXT GEN small group ministry, he leads a group of 9th-10th grade boys, conducts devotions, and is part of the leadership team. He teaches Sunday school, volunteers on the Guest Services team, and hosted the VBS program this past summer. He’s a regular fixture in Northcross ministries!”

August/September 2024

Her advisor, Professor Rachel Youngblom, writes,

“Tianna Rivera is an exceptional, well-rounded student! She is involved in many groups on campus and willingly takes on leadership roles. As a Special Education major, she also excels in her community work to support individuals with disabilities.”

May 2024

Vice President for Student Life, Jeff Schone, wrote,

“I’ve watched Kyle develop into a talented leader during his time on campus.  He knows students well and has a great way of communicating with faculty and staff. He’s been an exemplary president of the Student Body and the Student Senate.”

April 2024

Professor JoElyn Krohn wrote,

“The true character of ministry is a servant’s heart.’ Morgan has a true servant’s heart. Morgan has stepped into the role of MLC New Friends Coordinator this year. She is always thinking ahead and planning the best occasion for sharing the love of our Savior with all involved. Her forward focus, enthusiasm, and vigor to share her faith are such a blessing now, and will continue grow to be a blessing when she is called into the field.”

March 2024

Dean of Pre-Seminary Studies, Professor Jim Danell wrote,

“Pre-Seminary senior Ethan Cloute has been an exemplary student. In addition to meeting well the rigorous requirements of the pre-seminary curriculum, Ethan has voluntarily gone far beyond these requirements, taking numerous extra courses in many areas of the curriculum as he seeks to prepare himself for enrollment at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Ethan’s excellent work in the area of Biblical Languages was recognized by the Pre-Seminary Advisors, who awarded him the Northwestern College Alumni Society President’s Award for Greek. Ethan has also helped his classmates with their language studies by serving as a strong peer tutor in both Greek and Latin. In addition, Ethan has contributed to campus life through his participation in Forum. He had a leading role in this year’s fall musical and returned to the stage in The Importance of Being Earnest.”

February 2024

Professor JoElyn Krohn wrote,

“Natalie lives her faith vibrantly. She is involved in various ministries both on and off campus. She is a servant leader with a passion for youth. She gives her time and her talents for service whole-heartedly.”

December 2023

Benjamin Matzke wrote,

“Andrew has put in hundreds of hours working behind the scenes this semester to help make sure events on campus have quality A/V support. If there has been an event on campus over the past two years, it is almost certain that Andrew has had a hand in making it happen. Not only can I rely on Andrew to be there and ready to help at a moment’s notice, but he goes above and beyond without ever being asked.”

November 2023

Professor Greg Holzheuter wrote,

“From a young age, Nicole has been actively involved in her home congregation of St. Mark Mankato. It was exciting for our church when she decided to attend Martin Luther College to pursue a career in full-time gospel ministry. Throughout her time at MLC, Nicole has remained active at St. Mark in a number of ways. She sings lead vocals for hymns and songs during worship, teaches Sunday School, and helps with VBS every year. She is a wonderful example of how a called-worker-in-training can still find ways to serve her Savior and the church despite the busy schedule of a college student. We at St. Mark are proud to call her a daughter of our congregation!”

October 2023

Professor James Danell wrote,

“Owen is a superb student, an accomplished organist, a faithful peer tutor, and a wonderful young man. I look forward to the time when I can call him a fellow public minister of the gospel.”

September 2023

Rev. Peter Sulzle, Kostia’s pastor at St. John, Redwood Falls, commented,

“From the moment Kostia began attending St. John Church in Redwood Falls, he desired to be involved in ministry. We thank the Lord that Kostia’s positive attitude and servant’s heart have blessed many people in our congregation and community!”