We Love MLC!

May 3 is only 114 days away. Why the countdown? It’s MLC Day!
On this day, we encourage friends of MLC across the globe to support the training of called workers by praying, sharing, and giving. We are thankful for your support and can’t wait to celebrate MLC Day 2023!

Jim Unke Memorial Scholarship

New Ulm, MN – Our help is needed in honoring and carrying forward the gospel ministry legacy of Jim Unke, MLC’s long-time Athletic Director who passed away last summer. Anyone who knew Jim knew that he cared deeply about athletics at MLC, but his passion for sports at the college was singularly focused on assisting in the growth and development of future pastors, teachers, and staff ministers. The Jim Unke Memorial Scholarship will honor and carry forward Coach Unke’s legacy of gospel ministry by financially supporting the training of future pastors, teachers, and staff ministers at MLC for long into the future. The campaign is seeking to raise $25,000 over 25 days in honor of Jim’s 25 years of service to MLC as Athletic Director. Please partner with the “25-25-25 Campaign” in carrying forward Jim’s ministry impact at MLC for generations to come through the establishment of the Jim Unke Memorial Scholarship!

Here’s how you can partner with the campaign:

  1. Watch the campaign promo video attached to this post
  2. Donate to the campaign at https://gofund.me/93f2dcba and follow the GoFundMe progress throughout the month of January
  3. Like the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/unkememorialscholarship and look for campaign updates and further video content over the next 25 days
  4. Share this campaign with others in any capacity that you are willing and able–sharing on Facebook and other social media platforms, sending the above links to whomever you think might be interested, etc.”

Click here to watch the Jim Unke Memorial Scholarship video.