Reformation 500 Devotion Booklet

I Shall Not Die, But Live is MLC’s newest devotion book. As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, please accept this devotion booklet containing thirty-one uplifting messages as a gift from the Martin Luther College campus family. We pray that our Lord would strengthen your faith through his Word.

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Birthday Bags for Area Food Shelves

Fifty-five students from area WELS and ELS congregations joined for a mini-teen retreat at Martin Luther College on Sunday, September 24.  The purposes for the event included: bring youth from the area together for an event focused on missions, learn about Martin Luther College, pack birthday bags for area food shelves, enjoy some entertainment, and eat some great food. Students and their leaders brought items to fill birthday bags, which were then packed.  Now they are being distributed to area food shelves with the hope that some child’s birthday is a little brighter. This event was sponsored by the MN Valley Regional Mission team of Kingdom Workers and Martin Luther College.