Founded in 2008, the Shepherd Society is comprised of called workers who have been recognized for making a difference in people’s lives through their ministries.
Anyone may nominate a pastor, teacher, or staff minister for the Shepherd Society by filling out a form (see right) and sending it to Martin Luther College along with a gift of gratitude ($250 minimum). In so doing, the donors support the training of future called workers at MLC. At the same time, they express their gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, and to the specific called worker who has shepherded them in a special way.
The called workers nominated for the Shepherd Society receive a commemorative plaque with a personal Certificate of Appreciation.
- Pastor Earle Treptow
- Teacher Verlyn Fuhrmann
- Teacher Richard Gibson
- Pastor Doug Scherschel
- Pastor David Zietlow
- Dr. Carla Melendy (2 nominations)
- Teacher Gene Gronholz
- Pastor Steven D. Bode
- Teacher Erin E. Williams
- Pastor Norman Burger, Jr.
- Pastor Robert Guenther
- Professor Emeritus Darvin Raddatz
- Pastor Arthur Frenz
- Teacher Michael Hein
- Pastor Richard Hennig
- Teacher Jimmy Groth
- Professor Martin Sponholz
- Teacher Phil Leyrer
- Professor Armin and Virginia Panning (5 nominations)
- Pastor Harold Hagedorn
- Pastor Joel & Carly Seifert
- Pastor Don and Clarice Fastenau (5 nominations)
- Teacher Wendy Ristow
- Professor Richard and Lois Balge
- Teacher Dave and Sande Sauer
- Teacher Don and Harriet Hartwig (2 nominations)
- Staff Minister Chad White
- Pastor Dan Malchow (2 nominations)
- Teacher Kenneth White
- Professor David & Janice Valleskey
- Professor Jackson Petrie
- Dr. Siegbert Becker
- Pastor David Kuehl (5 nominations)
- Professor Ronald Brutlag
- Teacher Doug Stindt
- Pastor Richard Schwerin
- Pastor Edmund Schulz
- Professor Bruce Backer
- Pastor Greg Hermanson (2 nominations)
- Teacher Paul Patterson
- Teacher Steve Strieter
- Professor Forrest & Sue Bivens
- Professor John & Irene Brug
- Professor Beverlee Haar
- Professor Cheryl Loomis
- Pastor Paul Bowe
- Dr. Mark Lenz
- Pastor Burton Stensberg
- Teacher Barbara Green
- Pastor Dennis Kempf
- President Mark Zarling (2 nominations)
- Pastor Rob Raasch (2 nominations)
- Professor Lyle Lange (2 nominations)
- Mrs. Marilyn Jonas
- Pastor Timothy Kujath
- Mrs. Kathy Walz
- Pastor John and Teacher Carrie Steinbrenner
- Pastor Herb & Char Prahl
- Professor Barb Leopold
- Teacher Peggy Pekrul
- Teacher Jon & Linda Hahm
- Teacher Keith Bowe
- Mr. Steve Loehr
- Pastor Paul Eckert
- Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Schauer
- Professor Susan Haar
- Pastor Dustin Bergene
- Teacher Siegbert Becker
- President Theodore Olsen
- Teacher Gerhard Kaniess
- Mr. Ronald Pape
- Teacher Alan Treder
- Pastor Hillmer John Schaible
- Pastor Ronald Winter
- Teacher Ann Dorn
- President Dan & Kathy Bruss
- Teacher Virgil & Esther Raasch
- Teacher Bob & Bonnie Wasser
- Professor Leroy & Betty Dobberstein
- Pastor James Oldfield
- Pastor Philip Koelpin
- Teachers Ron & Roseann Schultz
- Teacher Karen Rodewald
- Professor David Gosdeck
- Pastor Paul and Teacher Donna Tullberg
- Teacher Robert & Julie Averbeck
- Dr. John Isch
- Professor John Schmidt
- Pastor James E. Rath
- Pastor Dean A. Gunn
- Teacher Steve Carlovsky
- Pastor Mark M. Schulz
- Pastor Jason Hacker
- Pastor David P. Kolander
- Dr. Cindy Whaley
- Pastor Christopher & Beth Rathje
- Teacher Joan Tjernagel
- Teacher Kristen Koepsell
- Pastor Jonathan Kolander
- Pastor Brett Krause
- Teacher Philip Adickes
- Teacher Jennifer Krause
- Professor Harold Yotter
- Teacher Cindy M. Grow
- Teacher Matthew J. Grow
- Teacher Judith Winsky
- Teacher Colette Zarling
- Coach James Unke (2 nominations)
- Teacher Hartley Dus
- Teacher Marilynne Maciejczak
- Pastor Michael Bartsch
- Mr. & Mrs. Lester Ring
- Pastor & Mrs. Jonathan Stern
- Pastor Michael Woldt
- Pastor Stephen Smith
- Teacher Ruth Huebner
- Pastor Neil Hansen
- Teacher James & Dianne Bilitz
- Teacher David J. Voss
- Teacher Suzanne Geiger
- Teacher Marie Janke
- Teacher William Birsching
- Teacher Marcia Wendt
- Pastor Steven Blumer
- Pastor Mark Henrich
- Teacher Ann Gutzke
- Teacher Mary Rabbers
- Pastor Stanley & Mary Weinrich
- Teacher Douglas Fillner
- Pastor Alan Gumm
- Teacher Lois Wittrock
- MLC Staffer Gary Schwichtenberg
- MLC Staffer Gwen Kral
- Pastor William Ziebell
- Professor Larry Czer
- Teacher Randy Ristow
- Pastor Jeff & Peg Seelow
- Teacher Dave Niemi
- Pastor Patrick Freese
- Staff Ministers Daniel & Mateja Kock
If you would like to thank a pastor, teacher, or staff minister who has made a difference in your life, please download the form below and send us the form with your gift. It’s a great way to help MLC, thank a special person, and glorify our Lord, the Good Shepherd!