Department: Administration


Two years ago, a gift from the Auxiliary enabled President Gurgel to meet with 70 MLC staff and faculty members to discuss their Clifton Strengths. Clifton Strengths is a tool designed by Gallup that assists people to identify and more consciously put to use their God-given strengths. Not only did the gift enable many individual discussions to take place, but it has also provided opportunities for MLC departments and divisions to discuss how their team can work together even better as they learn to appreciate each other’s God-given strengths. With many new faculty and staff members added to our campus family, and with other longer-term faculty and staff members interested in discussing their strengths, additional funding would enable more of these individual visits to continue.

Cost: $2,000

Submitted by: President Rich Gurgel

Ladies’ Auxiliary | Wish List

Staff/Faculty Clifton Strengths Discussion: $2,000