Dr. Alanna Lienig

Filling a Special Ed Need in WELS Schools We’re pleased to introduce Dr. Alanna Lienig ’05. She’s teaching two courses in the special education emphasis of our MS-Ed program: Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities and The IEP Process and Professional Practice, a course she developed herself. Dr. Lienig is filling an important need—for MLC and […]

Dr. Rachel Ehlers

We’re pleased to introduce MLC’s new graduate faculty member, Dr. Rachel (Vogt DMLC ’95) Ehlers, who will be teaching Foundations of Special Education. Dr. Ehlers brings to MLC graduate students her extensive education and teaching experience as well as a deep understanding of special education from two perspectives—as a teacher and as a parent.

Professor Julie Sallquist: Passionate About Early Learning

It was volunteering at homeless and domestic abuse shelters that really fueled Julie Sallquist’s passion for early childhood education. Her graduate work and early career at Arizona State University had been focused on promoting children’s positive development through research. But applying that research to education settings is what really motivates her. As a volunteer with […]

Professor Jon Roux

It’s all about the books. As a grade 1-8 teacher for 13 years and a college education professor for eight years, Professor Jon Roux DMLC ’95 has loved teaching and talking about books. But books are just the start. Really, he loves language arts in general—that broad content area containing everything from reading comprehension to […]

Dr. John Meyer, Director

Meyer2014-croppedAt the helm of MLC’s burgeoning Master of Science in Education program is Dr. John Meyer.

As director of graduate studies, John’s goals are about boosting communication and building community. “I want to get the word out about the benefits this program can bring to ministry,” he says, “and I want to increase the connectedness and collaboration of the online community.”

John has a heart for the teaching ministry. “I have a great appreciation for teachers’ dedication, sacrifice, and zeal for the sake of their students, their schools, and the gospel of Jesus. The Lord has prepared me to relate to our teachers by putting me in a wide variety of ministry joys and challenges. I have walked in their shoes, and my goal is to ensure that the program works for them.”

He also understands and appreciates the value of continuing education, having been enrolled in programs from the day he was first assigned in 1987.

His excitement for MLC’s M.S. Ed. is perhaps best encapsulated with this thought: “I wish this program had been in place when I was working on my master’s.”

Upon assignment to St. John-Wood Lake MN, John Meyer immediately embarked on a 21-credit DMLC certification program for principals, School Administration and Supervision. He completed his M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction at UW-Madison in 2002. He was enrolled in MLC’s post-baccalaureate licensure program when he was called as director of graduate studies. At that time, he entered a Ph.D. program in Educational Administration at UM-Twin Cities, for which he is in the dissertation phase right now.

Dr. Meyer is excited about the way MLC’s program is an ideal fit for WELS teachers, in both course content and delivery. “The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of WELS teachers, no matter how or where they serve,” he says. “We have women and men in the program who are high school teachers, preschool teachers and directors, principals, elementary teachers, stay-at-home moms, and even a pastor teaching at a high school. They all bring their insights and experiences to the classroom and help one another grow.

“And they work under the guidance and direction of seven respected MLC graduate faculty members with experience in ministry and doctorates in their fields as well as 12 adjunct professors who bring their experiences and expertise from beyond the MLC walls.

“What’s so exciting,” he continues, “is getting to see how these educational leaders are impacting the work and future of Lutheran schools. At a time when it is tempting to look at the Lutheran school landscape and feel helpless at the forces that buffet it, this program offers something real that teachers can do to make a positive difference in themselves, their students, their ministries, and, ultimately, the future of the church.

“Teachers tell me it energizes their ministry and gives them ideas to put into practice no matter how or where they serve. I wish this program had been in place when I was working on my master’s program.”

A New Ulm native and DMLC grad, John served as teacher and principal in four Lutheran elementary schools:
• St. John-Wood Lake MN
• Zion-Hartland WI
• Pilgrim-Minneapolis MN
• Salem-Stillwater MN
The variety of settings—small and large; rural, urban, and suburban—gives John a healthy understanding of the different areas of ministry in which (D)MLC grads work.

John and his wife, Heidi Keibel Meyer, have five children, age 12 to 27.

Dr. Richard Bakken

BakkenMartin Luther College welcomes Adjunct Instructor Richard Bakken, PhD, who comes to our graduate faculty with a rich and eclectic background encompassing music, technology, education, travel, and leadership. Dr. Bakken’s studies began in Wisconsin, took him around the world to Qatar, settled him in San Diego, and gave him a place on the adjunct faculty in New Ulm, Minnesota.

Rich earned his BA in music education from Wisconsin Lutheran College in 2000 and holds Wisconsin licenses for teacher, administrator, and principal. After graduation he worked as director of media services at WLC until 2006, earning his MA-Ed from the University of Phoenix while working.

Jobs at KVL Audio Visual Services in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and 620 WTMJ Radio in Milwaukee followed. At TMJ, he was both a producer and on-air news anchor. Since 2007 he’s worked at San Diego State University in the instructional technology services department, supporting classroom technologies across campus.

In 2013, he received his PhD in leadership studies from the University of San Diego. His dissertation research took him to Qatar, where he worked with students and administrators at Education City in Doha.

Rich comes by his interest in education and leadership naturally: both his parents DMLC graduates and teachers. His dad is currently principal at St. Paul-Tomah, Wisconsin. Music runs in the Bakken family as well; all of them sing and play instruments. Rich still sings, plays for church, and enjoys directing choir when he can.

We feel blessed that Dr. Bakken has joined our graduate faculty as adjunct instructor, teaching Multimedia Technologies this spring. “I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with students who are interested in technology and using new tools for instruction,” he says. “We have so many more opportunities to make use of these tools than at any other time in history!”

A Closer Look: Instructor Richard Bakken, PhD

  • Resident of San Diego—“where the weather is always perfect,” he says.
  • Member of Risen Savior-Chula Vista CA
  • Traveler: “Flying around the world on points and miles for nothing has been a hobby for many years!”
  • Philatelist: “I started collecting stamps in fourth grade.”
  • Snowmobiler: “In winter you might find me on snowmobile trails in northern Wisconsin.”
  • Reader: “My favorites are Leadership without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz; Executive Orders by Tom Clancy; andTeam of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin.”
  • Member and presenter for International Leadership Association
  • Member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences: “That means I can vote on the Grammys each year and attend the ceremony.”

Dr. James Grunwald

Jim Grunwaldcr1

If there’s anyone who understands the ins and outs of an online degree program, it’s MLC Professor Dr. James Grunwald. One of his major tasks is to teach online courses about how to teach online courses.

In MLC’s master’s program, Jim teaches Enhancing the Curriculum with Technology, Teaching Online, and Designing and Constructing Online Courses. He also lends assistance to the rest of the MLC faculty as they teach online, helping them get their courses up and running and then providing technical support along the way.

“I really enjoy teaching online and helping others to teach and learn online,” he says. “For many people, until they have taken an online course they have a hard time imagining how rich the discussion can be and how well you can get to know fellow students that you might not ever meet face to face. When teaching and learning online, you have more time to formulate your thoughts and provide constructive replies to what others have posted. You also have the freedom to work on your course when it fits into your schedule.

Educational technology has been his forte since day one. After teaching at St. John-Neillsville WI, Northwestern Prep-Watertown WI, and St. John-Libertyville IL, he began teaching computer science at Lakeside LHS in 1980—a time when, for most of us, spam was only meat in a can and viruses afflicted only human beings.

Grunwald went on to teach technology courses at Madison Area Technical College and mathematics and computer science at Michigan Lutheran Seminary. In 1998 he was called to Martin Luther College to teach computer courses and serve as the Director of Academic Computing. Since 2002, he’s been granted a half-time sabbatical to serve as the WELS Director of Distance Learning; in that capacity he coordinates distance learning initiatives and trains other instructors to teach online courses.

He has a B.S in Elementary Education from DMLC (1978), a master’s degree in Mathematics Education from UW-Oshkosh (1983), a master’s degree in Computers in Education from Clarke College (1990), and a Ph.D. in Computing Technology in Education from Nova Southeastern University (1999). He belongs to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and serves on the WELS Technology Advisory Committee and the MLC Technology Advisory Committee. He is the WELS representative on the IT and Distance Learning Commission of the National Council for Private School Accreditation and the co-Director of the WELS Association of Lutheran High Schools Online (ALHSO) pilot project.

Jim is married to Karen, who teaches grades 4-5 at St. Paul-New Ulm, and they have four children. Melanie has a degree in interior design and marketing; she works in a large furniture store in Indianapolis, where she lives with her husband and two children. Nathan, with a degree in accounting, works for IBM in Rochester MN as a financial analyst. Aaron is graduating this May from North Dakota State University in Fargo with a master’s degree in architecture. And Tim is currently finishing his junior year at Minnesota State University-Mankato, where he studies business management and technology.

Jim says his interests outside of educational technology include home remodeling, gardening, hiking, canoeing/fishing in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, traveling, and playing disc golf.

Prof. Daryl Hanneman

Professor Daryl Hanneman, Special Education

p08 special ed hanneman 2Meet Professor Daryl Hanneman DMLC ’75, a member of our graduate faculty and now a new undergraduate professor in the special education division.

Professor Hanneman’s interest in special education began early in his ministry. He and his wife, Shirley DMLC ’75, served as the faculty of Trinity-Johnson MN after graduating from college. Hanneman remembers having students with particular learning needs he didn’t know how to address. He asked professionals in the public school system for support. Soon he wanted that knowledge for himself. “I wanted to learn how to assess and design interventions for my students, so I began taking classes in education and psychology,” he said.

He eventually earned his master’s degree in educational psychology and his certification in school psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “I chose school psychology as a focus,” he says, “because it allowed me to work with both regular education and special-needs children.”

What followed was 25 years as a K-12 school psychologist in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, area. He served both rural and city schools, and he also worked for the Department of Corrections in the Batterers’ Education Program for 14 years.

This year Hanneman will teach PSY3002 Abnormal Psychology in the undergrad program and EDU5207 Human Exceptionalities in the Classroom in the graduate program. His primary project will be working with Dr. Alan Spurgin to design the details of the undergrad special education coursework.

This new calling is a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one. “My wife and I had planned to move south where we could enjoy leisure time on the Gulf Coast. Instead, God wanted me to move north and serve him and the church for a few more years,” he said. “I am most looking forward to working with other staff who have the same convictions as I do regarding my Lord. Also, I am eager to help our WELS teachers provide for the needs of students with special needs.”

Prof. Daryl Hanneman

Early years: Elementary school at Zion-Sanborn MN and high school at Martin Luther Academy, the prep school formerly housed on D/MLC’s campus.

Family: He met his wife, Shirley DMLC ’75, at college. Their daughter Holly lives in San Francisco, and their daughter Heidi lives in Atlanta with her husband and three daughters.

Hobbies: Tinkering with technology; gardening; travel, particularly cruising; reading professional literature on learning, special education, and technology; baroque music, particularly Handel; and photography. This year one of his photos won a prize in the Grant Wood AEA Photography Contest.

Special interest: “One of my favorite cities is Chicago. I’ve become somewhat of an expert on riding the El, and I enjoy taking friends on Windy City excursions.”

Philosophy: “All students can learn, and we can figure out how to help them if we have the right tools and understanding of their needs.”

Dr. Robert Klindworth

Dr. Robert KlindworthProfessionalism is important to Dr. Robert (Bob) Klindworth—in both himself and his students. He says, “I have found the vast majority of MLC master’s students to be dedicated professionals who are genuinely interested in enhancing both their knowledge and skills.” Dr. Klindworth’s experience, education, and leadership demonstrate his own professionalism and make him well-suited to serve on the MLC graduate faculty.

Dr. Klindworth has experience worthy of a professional. “My ministry began in Hadar NE in 1970. I served as principal and grade 4-8 teacher,” shares Bob. His next 40 years of teaching and leadership experiences are varied. He taught grades 5–6 in Lake City MN and also served as athletic director, computer coordinator, and assistant principal. In 1990 he was called to Our Redeemer – Santa Barbara CA, where he and his wife, Martha, were the entire faculty, she teaching K-4, and he teaching 5-8. He has also been the principal at St. Matthew – Winona MN and Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School. Since 2003, Bob has been an education professor at MLC, chairing the education division from 2003 to 2011. He teaches two courses in the graduate program—Supervision of Instruction and School Law.

Bob’s education has contributed to his professionalism. After obtaining his BSE from Dr. Martin Luther College in 1970, he continued his studies at the graduate level. “I took 24 credits toward a master’s degree in Intellectual European History (Wayne State College) but did not finish the program due to a move.” He went on to earn his MA Education from St. Mary’s University – Winona MN and his EdD in Educational Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota.

Dr. Klindworth’s leadership in many professional organizations reflects well on MLC and also keeps him current with the latest trends in educational research and policy. He is a member of the Minnesota Board of Teaching – Standards and Rules Committee, the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, the Educational Administration Research Association, the Education Law Association, and Phi Kappa Phi. He was appointed to the Minnesota Non-public Education Council and currently serves as chair of the organization.

Dr. Klindworth has a love for his family and several hobbies. “My wife and I currently live in North Mankato MN, where we are members of St. Mark,” says Bob. “We have four grown children. Bob, Jr., has his PhD in nuclear physics and teaches at Century College in White Bear Lake MN. Lisa is married to Rick Hermanson, and they live in Madison WI. Mike lives in Winona MN and uses his engineering background in auto body and detailing. Debbie and her family live in Mankato, where she is studying accounting as a second career.

“I enjoy spending time with family and friends,” he continues. “That often combines with golfing, fishing, hunting, and traveling. I enjoy reading a good mystery. My iPod plays Josh Groban and Jamie Slocum music primarily. I’m not sure many people know that I dabble in philately and numismatics. I like collecting stamps and coins/currency.”

Dr. Klindworth sums up his graduate faculty role: “I enjoy teaching and learning with practicing professionals who are part of the MLC master’s program. The relationships formed through this program serve as a blessing to me personally and hopefully serve as a blessing to congregations throughout WELS.”

Dr. John Kolander

Kolander head shotDr. John Kolander, one of 15 off-campus instructors in MLC’s Master of Science in Education program, is a champion of Lutheran education in all aspects of his life: his ministry, his family, world missions—and, of course, the MLC graduate program.

Having taught at Lutheran elementary, high school, and college level, he brings his experience and optimism to the MLC grad students who take his class, The School as a Learning Community. His goal is not only to improve Lutheran teachers, but to improve Lutheran schools. “I enjoy seeing educators excited about school improvement and feeling equipped to carry it out,” he says. “MLC provides a Christ-centered program of quality that is accessible to WELS educators. Bottom line: it assists in strengthening Lutheran schools.”

What few people know is that his interest is not only in Lutheran schools in America. He also works with the Edgar H and Meta A Hoenecke Vulnerable Children’s Foundation, Inc., which funds two schools in the Lutheran Church of Central Africa: Kaunda Square and Matero, both in Lusaka, Zambia. The schools educate 280 children, 80% of them identified as vulnerable: having no access to food, housing, or education due to their economic status, the abandonment of their parents, or the deaths of their parents (often due to HIV/AIDS). The foundation’s mission states that “It is our prayer that children living lives of faith and being educated in Lutheran schools will grow into healthy, educated, God-fearing adults who will assume leadership roles in a country lacking leaders.”

Kolander himself has been a leader in Lutheran schools for 30 years. A 1981 graduate of DMLC, he served 11 years as principal and upper-grade teacher at Samuel-Marshall MN and Immanuel-Waupaca WI, 12 years as teacher and assistant principal at Fox Valley LHS, and, most recently, seven years at Wisconsin Lutheran College, five as academic dean and two as provost. He has an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and a PhD in Educational Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Lutheran education is a trademark of the whole Kolander family. His wife, Anna (DMLC ’81), serves as assistant principal at Risen Savior-Milwaukee. Kurt, a Lutheran school grad, is completing his PhD in Biomedical Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin; Paul is a WLC grad currently enrolled in the Seminary Certification Program at MLC; Meta is graduating from WLC in May; and Sarah is graduating from Wisconsin Lutheran High School in May.

A member of Christ the Lord-Brookfield WI, Kolander enjoys camping, hiking, and cooking. His favorite books include historical fiction by Allan W. Eckert and the nonfiction of Malcolm Gladwell, including The Tipping Point and Blink.

“Dr. Kolander has always been a highly respected leader in Lutheran education,” says Director of Graduate Studies John Meyer. “I’ve admired his work since he was my mentor principal, helping me become a better educational leader. MLC’s graduate students are blessed to have a person of Dr. Kolander’s passion and experience as an instructor.”