The MLC Office of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education publishes a blog called Issues in Lutheran Education. The purpose of this blog is to provide a platform for a professional conversation around issues that are important in Lutheran education.

We rely heavily on contributions from our graduate faculty and students. If you receive papers from your students that you think would make good blog posts, please send them to our office. If we feel a paper is blog-worthy, we will contact the student to ask for a blog post. We’ve published some very good articles this way, and they’ve been well received by our audience. At times, they have created some very lively discussion.

We would also like to publish blog posts from our professors. If there is a hot topic on your mind, if you have presented at a conference, or if you teach an important topic in a course that might be of interest to Lutheran educators, please write a blog post that we can share with our 1,400+ readers.

Please submit posts, papers, and articles to