Call Activity

Calls Extended by MLC
  • Mr. Duane Vance (Illinois Lutheran Schools) has received a call to MLC to serve as a professor of education and as a middle and secondary student teacher supervisor.
  • Pastor Aaron Dolan (Fox Valley LHS) has accepted the call to MLC to serve as theology professor and coach.
  • Dr. Nichole LaGrow (Appleton) has accepted the call to MLC to serve as professor of education and director of Nontraditional Programs (Competency-Based Education).
  • Dr. Martin LaGrow (Appleton) has accepted the call to MLC to serve as professor of education and instructional design (Competency-Based Education).
Calls Received by MLC Faculty
  • Admissions Counselor Martín Santos received a call to serve at Huron Valley LHS and Palabra de Vida-Detroit.
  • Professor Nicolas Schmoller (Theology & Foreign Language) received a call to serve as pastor at Good Shepherd-Midland MI.
  • VP for Student Life Jeff Schone received a call to serve as pastor at St. John-Whitewater WI.
  • Professor Breanna Olson (PE) received a call to serve as dean of women, coach, and teacher at Fox Valley LHS.
  • Admissions Counselor Halie Flores accepted a call to teach kindergarten at Immanuel LES-Greenville WI.
  • Campus Pastor John Boeder accepted a call to serve as pastor at Ascension-Escondido CA.
  • Ms. Jessica Schmidt (ECLC assistant teacher) accepted a call to serve as director and teacher at God’s Treasures Child Care of Zion-Winthrop MN.
  • Ms. Catherine St. John (ECLC lead teacher) returned a call to serve as preschool director and 3K teacher at Trinity/St. Luke-Watertown WI.